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" Li, I am fucking done with all those bitches. I mean the fuck you lecturing me for, bitch." Evan rants on about what happened today to Liam.

Liam silently watches as his best friend losses his shit over a puny incident. Which is not much of new sight. He asks himself why he became friends with him.

" I am so done, that I am not even hungry. I mean can you imagine me not being hung-oomph!"

Liam shoves some fries into his best friend's mouth. Evan's eyes widen for a fraction of a second before he bites down on the fries, his eyes still clearly frowning.

" Hi Liam, Hi Mister Frown Face."

" Nate! Where is Neil? " Liam asks, his face lighting up at the sight of his friend.

" Nial is sick, so he was not able to come today," Nate says while frowning totally ignoring the whining Evan who was not at all happy at the nickname.

" Is he alright?" "Is he resting well?" Both the younger ones ask at the same time, worry etched on their faces.

Nate smiles at the concern shown by them for his brother.

" Don't worry, he is alright."

" We are coming with you today," Evan announces.

" What about the meeting ?" Liam asks as he passes over some of the chips to Nate.

" Oh shit, I totally forgot about it."

" You were just talking about it a minute ago."

" Wait, what meeting?" Nate asks confused.


" So Evan Reynolds, please explain yourself."

They were currently in the principal's room with the teacher, the jerk, and his friends along with Miss Weathers, the political science teacher as well as the head of the school newspaper.

" Sir with all due respect, I don't think I am the one who should explain myself," Evan says completely baffled that everybody is blaming him.

" I understand he started it but why did you continue ?"

" Sir, unlike some people I actually want to listen to the teacher and not how the picture drawn on the board is similar to something else."

" I mean it looked like boobs," Rex says and all of his friends start laughing.

" Said by someone who can't even draw a stickman." Evan retorts back not at all finding the situation funny.

" The fuc----"


Evan keeps his head low out of respect.

Shut the fuck up Evan. You don't want to get into trouble over a guy who clearly has never seen boobs in his entire life.

" Now Rex, you will be having detention for the whole week and will be volunteering for our monthly community service. And as for you Evan, Miss Weathers will be giving you your punishment. You are dismissed. Now get out!" The principal orders clearly fed up with their attitude.


"Evan, how many times have I told you to control your anger?" Miss Weathers asks softly, once they are out of the principal's office. Miss Weathers has a soft spot towards Evan, she finds Evan's character to be very brave and upfront but she absolutely dislikes how angry he gets.

" I am sorry, Miss Weathers," Evan says genuinely, he feels bad that he let down Miss Weathers.

" Now, first of all, I want you to say sorry to your teacher and second of all, I am giving you the assignment to interview each and every member of the sports team and also write a special report on the victory of our school's cricket team and the coming tournament."

Evan's eyes widen comically, he absolutely despises sports as he just doesn't get the rules and how different sport works.

Evan and rules were never really friends.

" But----"

" Ah! Ah! Ah!, I am not finished. Until you finish this assignment all your other assignments with the school newspaper will be taken away." Miss Weathers finishes to an open-mouthed Evan. She smirks before excusing herself.

Evan stands like that for a few minutes before he fumes and stomps his way towards his locker. His harsh steps make a few heads turn in his direction.

" What? Want to suck my dick?" Evan asks a fellow student who was staring at him for five minutes while he was taking his things from the locker.

" Actually on second thoughts don't, you won't be able to handle it."


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