Chapter Thirty Three - William thy name is Jealousy

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Leo spat food out of his mouth, he was choking on his food. He wheezed as he reached for water. Once he got his food down he looked at me in horror as if I were crazy. 

"Are you crazy?!"

I nodded. "Just a bit." I sighed. "All jokes aside if I had a chance to take a sword, bullet, spell, or anything that was thrown at Will  I would. I still love there's no doubt about that. " I looked at my hands, it felt like I got my heart ripped out of my chest and thrown into a wood chipper when he decided to leave. "I need you to in case it gets too dark. I may be the son of Hades but I can't see in the dark."

He laughed at the last part. "Alright. I do understand, I did literally die in order to get back to Calypso. When do we leave?"

"Tonight," I reply sternly, I was not wavering in my decision. 

We ate in silence for a while before Leo spoke up.

"Oh did I tell you about this time when I was a toddler. My mom used to tell me that I called myself a super builder. I would run around the house in just my diapers with a wrench in my hand and go around the house hitting objects pretending to fix them. I once tried to fly after watching super man. I tried to jump off a counter and as I fell my diaper got stuck on a nail. I was just hanging on the nail until I fell. The nail ripped my diper right down the back and I tried to fix it with duct tape. Needless to say, I ended up in a duct tape burrito."

He smiled proudly and wistfully at the old memory. I tried to contain my laughter and my smile but it didn't work as well as I wanted it to. I burst out laughing at what he told me, I haven't laughed this hard for a while. I could hear the Great Hall sounds die down, I could care less. When I began to quiet down I made eye contact with Leo and burst into laughing again, this time he laughed along with me.

Once we were both finished laughing I could see how proud Leo looked, the other demigods seemed surprised to have seen me laugh. Lets just say Will was more than just surprised, he looked angered and hurt. Most of all, he looked jealous.

"Alright, We should leave now if we want to fix the shack up before we go." I stood and held out my hand for him to grab. "Shall we?" I asked in my Italian accent.

"We shall." he tried for British one, he failed- terribly. I chuckled and pulled him into a shadow. The last thing I saw was an angry blob of blond leaving the great hall. As we made it to the shack I saw wood, paint, tiles, tools, and equipment.

"Leo...?" he looks over. "When did you have time to get all of this?"

"Well, you have a wand. So, I grabbed it I examined it and boom I was making up random latin words for this stuff and it showed up."

He made it sound a lot simpler than it is, he created spells to make this stuff appear as if it were nothing. What the hell is going on here? I was speechless but I managed to say, "That is actually really cool, what do we begin with?"

"We'll start with the exterior. No use in living in this place if there's no good roof over your head."

I nodded, I mean it was pretty logical before doing the inside. "Alright. Let's do this."

------Time Skip says Tyson -----

It was 6:55 pm by the time we finished with the roof. We were headed to directly to Dinner. We didn't bother changing or taking showers. We probably stunk like the flesh-eating horses stalls before Percy cleaned them. Trust me. Let's just say it's not a good smell, trust me.

Leo wanted to sit with the others this time so I went with him. I didn't really want to eat. I avoided all conversations with everyone but Leo. I looked around and saw Angelos watching us in the corner of the hall. I could see her eyes telling me to eat but I shook my head at her.

"Nico." I heard before I looked up to see who had spoke to me, it was Will.  "You need to eat."

I shook my head with a scowl. "No."

"You need to eat." he insisted some more.

"You're not in charge of me anymore."

Agony was shown in his eyes. "I'm still your doctor."

"I can always get a new one." I retorted still scowling. I heard Leo sigh and look over at me running a hand through his curly hair.

"Eat Nico, you must. You'll need it for tonight." He whispered handing me some bread.

"I hate you," I said but ate a bit of bread anyway. He was right of course, I would need it.

"More." Leo urged. I shoved the whole roll of bread in my mouth and rolled my eyes at him.

"Hmn hmmnmn mmnh?" I mumbled.


I swallowed my bread. "You happy now?"

He nodded glancing at Will. "Will looks jealous," he whispered in my ear still looking at Will. I reddened and looked at Will who looked downright murderous. I chuckled before following with a scowl.

"He left me remember," I whispered back to him.

Will then stood and walked out of the dining hall, I could see the dark aura coming off him. I shrugged and saw Jason giving me a pointed look, I sighed.

"Jason if you want to say something say it already." I replied crossing my arms.

He shook his head before stuffing his mouth. I checked the time on a nearby clock and saw that it was seven thirty. I stood up rapidly almost falling over from the blood rushing to my head. "We're late Leo."

His eyes widened, "Okay hold on." he shoved some candy in his tool belt and grabbed an apple. "Okay, now we can go." I pulled him into a shadow and we made it outside. I placed my hand on the ground, it cracked open. With Leos fire you could see the stairs made it was literally the staircase to hell.

"Let's go," I said. He lit his hand on fire and we descended down the stairs. Little did I know that there was a blob of blond watching us leave from the distance.

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