Chapter Twenty Eight - The Chamber Of Secrets

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We were ready to go, I had prepared Ambrosia, Nectar, Water, and extra weapons. I look at the back before looking back up at Will who had a distant look on his face."What's up?" I ask.

He sighed. "I don't like the idea of you going where the snakes are, alone."

I frowned then laughed. "I thought I mentioned you coming with us."

His small frown turned into a big smile. "Thank the Gods. If you got hurt with the wizard with you, I would have killed him." 

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around her neck. His hands held me closer. "I love you," I say rubbing my nose to his.

"I love you too," he mumbles then pulls me into a kiss. I was quickly obliged to return it. We pulled away after a few seconds. He placed his forehead on mine. I blushed. I looked into each other's eyes until I blushed profoundly. I nuzzled my head into my neck.

I could hear Jason chuckling in the corner of the room. I looked up a bit and saw him leaning on the door frame. 

I looked at him still within Wills embrace. "What do you want Grace?" I asked.

"Harry's wondering if you're ready to go." 

"Tell him we're there in a few minutes."

"We'll '?" He asked. "I thought it was just you and Harry."

"Nah," I shake my head. "Will's coming too. I get hurt too much. Besides, I'm not getting hurt anymore or Will will brutally murder Harold."

He chuckled. "I guess. Anyway, he said that he would be coming soon." 

"Alright," I responded as he then walked out the door. I pulled away from the wounds of saddened by the loss of warmth. I grabbed his hand. "Come on. We need to get your supplies."

He chuckled. "I already have everything done." I gave him a questioning look. "I always keep Combat Medic remember. I always come prepared." He sat on a chair by the wall.

"Right." I smiled. I then walked back to his lap. I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him. I smiled into the kiss. When I've pulled away, I'm always embarrassed. He held me until I heard him sigh. 

I look up at him confused. "We have to go and I don't want to go." He replied to my look.

I nodded and gave him a small smile. I sighed too and reluctantly got up. "I guess we can go now." I've grabbed my pomegranate seeds. I'm conscious of what I've won't have.

As we walked to the Great Hall where everyone was waiting for us. When we get there I looked at Rachel and told her to tell Dumbledore what we were up to. 

I looked over at Will and sighed. I wasn't ready to go to another place where I could be locked into. "Ready to go, Harry and Will," I asked looking between them.

They nodded. "Let's go." I breathed out. Everyone said good luck and we walked out the great hall doors. Harry led us to an abandoned bathroom. I chuckled when we walked in.

"What are you gonna do? Kill us?" I joked. Will frowned at me and Harry offered a small smile. 

"No. This is Moaning Myrtle bathroom."

"Who's Moaning Myrtle?" Will asked before I can stop him. 

"Who's Moaning Myrtle?!" A high voice screeched. "I am Moaning Myrtle." She flew in front of Will. "But no one cares about me. Who would care about poor Moaning Myrtle." She tried to push Will but her hand went right through him.

"Peace Myrtle," I say stepping in front of her and pulling her away from Will. She had a face of shock that I could touch her. So did Harry.  "Oh, my gods. I'm sorry, please don't send me there. I like it here. It's quiet and-"

I chuckled. "No problem Myrtle. I won't send her back." I sighed. "So... Wheres the chamber?"

"Here." She floated over to the sinks where there was a snake on the side of the sink. 

"Thank you, Myrtle. I need you to be here when we get back. I have a job for  you." 

She smiled. "Of course." She gave me a quick hug before disappearing once more. Harry still with a look of shock and Will standing off to a side waiting for the Chamber to open. 

"Close your mouth Potter, you'll catch flies."

"But-But you can touch her." He stuttered but closed his mouth.

"No shit. I'm the son of Hades the god of the Underworld. He controls spirits." I say. "Anyway, We need to get to the chamber."

"Alright. Stand back." He says as he puts his hand on the snake. He says something in a strange language and the sinks begin to move.

After they spread apart there's an opening, it drops at least seven feet under. I start to get anxiety. Breath Nico Breath. This isn't Tarturus. It won't drop fifty feet underground. "Breath Nico," Will said. "You're not there anymore." he said, "I'm here." He pulled me into his arms. I held him as I kept trying to get the visions out of my head,

"What is going on?" Harry asked,

"Do you know what Tarturus is?"

"The husband of Gaea? In Greek mythology." Harry replied. "He's the god of the pit right?" I nodded. 

"I went into that pit, It was a horrid place to be. The ground was made of his skin. The air was sultry and poisonous, the monsters regenerated under his skin." I told him. "I was looking for a way to save the world. I was down there for about a week and I was captured by Giants and forced into a Bronze jar with Poisonous air for six days. I have a bit of PTSD of dark places that go deep underground. Only my fathers place is a different story because ." I explained. 

"I'm sorry." He gave an apologetic look. "Well, we won't be falling too far. There's a slant at the bottom, it's almost like a slide. It's a bit dark so I hope you have a light. My wand may not be bright enough for you all to see."

I chuckled. "Will is my own light."

He looked between us. "Are you guys dating? Not that I care that two guys are together. Some of my friends are dating. They're both guys. Seamus and Dean."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah. No one's really noticed before. You're the basically first one. Jason just found out by accident. "  I said with a light chuckle, "Hold on." I wrapped my arms around will and I cracked his back. He began glowing like a glow stick.

"He- you just- but- whhhaaaat?" 

"See I told you he was a light."

"Lets jump." Will breathed out. He grabbed my hand and we prepared to jump. Harry jumped and we jumped soon after. I clutched on to Will with a fear he would get away. 

We fell onto a pile of bones and I flopped on top of Will. 

He groaned under me. "Get up Nico."

"That's not what you said last night," I said. 

"We weren't on a pile of bones last night." He laughed at me.

"Ewwww! I didn't want to know that." Harry squealed in the background.

I laughed and got up. "Whatever drama queens."  Will was already glowing, shedding light on us.

"This way." Harry ushered once Will got up too. We followed a path of broken bones and shredded skin. 

We walked around crawling over rocks and shreaded skin. 

"How long till-" I began to ask. I was cut off by a roar from behind us. I was slowly turning around when I was stopped by Harry.

"Either the snake is back or there is a new basilik. If you look at it you die. Not turn to stone, you won't be petrified. You die."

I pulled out my sword and I grabbed Wills hand. "You need to blind him," I told Will. 

He nodded and told us to look away. As I shielded my eyes and Harry closed his, the room was overtaken by blinding light.

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