Chapter Twenty Nine- The Prisoner

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We heard a deep squeal and saw Wills's light die. I turned around to see a blinded snake slither away thumping into things as he left. Will dropped to the ground. He was about to pass out from exhaustion. I hurried to him to make sure he didn't die on me. I felt around for his pulse, it was faint but it was still strong. Either that or I'm doing it wrong, I'm not a doctor.

I fished around his bag to grab out demigod medicine. I poured some nectar into his mouth, a few seconds later he coughed. He sat up as I handed him some Ambrosia, he happily chewed it. 

"Tastes like my mom's pie." I heard him say. I laughed and kissed him. Thank the gods, he's not dead yet. I heard Harry laugh as he stood there.

"You're so cute together." He said. I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed at me again.

"We have to find the snake and kill it," I stated.

"Why? We just need to find the prisoners." Harry said.

"The snake may be guarding the prisoners."

"What is there's only one monster. You know one prisoner." Will interjected.

"Why would you think that?" Harry questioned.

Will sighed. "Because the prophecy said 'This monster has others enslaved, to save them you must follow the blood, the scratches, snakes, and dungeons of the castle'  Monster. Not monsters." 

"Right." Harry sighed. "Well, let's go. We'll follow the snake."

"Good. Now, which way." I asked. 

"Well last time I was here there were sewers. They lead somewhere, but I don't know where."

"Which way did you go last time?" Will asked.

"Umm, right? I think."

Will raised an eyebrow. "You think?"

Harry shook his head. "No, I know. I know I went right. I didn't go very far though." 

"Alright, I guess we'll go right." I pulled out my sword and Will made his Bow and Arrows appear. Harry just had his wand. Loser. I thought and laughed to myself. He's actually quite good at spells. I held Wills' hand and we walked to the right. We ended up in the sewers, it was wet. I mentally groaned. This is gross. My gods, I sound like a Child of Aphrodite. 

"I hear something," Will said when he abruptly stopped. We all stopped. He held up his finger to his mouth telling us to shut up. He -sadly- let go of my hand and drew back an arrow. 

He relaxed a bit but then quickly turned and shot the arrow and drawing another. I heard the arrow hit something hard and solid. 

He shot the other arrow. I heard a big thump and I slowly walked towards the sound. Will grabbed my arm and gave me a worried look. These arrows weren't made with celestial bronze, it'll maim the monster but it wont kill them.

"I'll be fine sunshine. I know that a wand and arrows won't kill it, but my sword can suck the essence out of it." 

"Be careful."

I gave him a smile. "Of course sunshine." I kissed him as Harry stood awkwardly behind him. I kept walking but not before giving them another reassuring smile. Will being safe shot another arrow. I walked to where the drop was and stopped when I smelt death. I looked over around and heard shuffling. I gathered the shadows and hid. I made the room darker and kept walking.

"Di Immortals. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder." I found the unconscious body of the snake as it was shot three times by will in an eye. Jeez, the same eye. I winced at the sight. 

I was pulling my sword up to cut his head off when it began to stir I stood back and it hissed at me. I gathered the shadows to hold him in place I growled at it and began to make my way to cut its head off. It was snapping its head at me. As it moved I saw a body behind him. 

It must be the "Monster." The Basilisk took advantage of my distraction and tossed me to a side. I don't know how but I began chanting. 

As soon as I finished the Basilisk was paralyzed. I have no idea what I just said but I took advantage of the Basilisk paralysis and cut his head off. He disintegrated and I collected its shadow in my Sword. 

I flopped down to the ground and took a deep breath. I winced as pain went through my body. I remembered I was jostled to the side. I felt my chest and felt that at least three of my ribs are broken. I was about to drink my nectar when the body that was behind the Basilisk moved. 

I pulled myself up and walked over to the monster. It was in a corner huddled and locked in. I grabbed my sword and easily cut through the bars. "Hey," I said. There was a small bed there. I sat on it. "I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I need your help."

The monster moved into the shadows. "Who are you?" The voice asked. There was something different about it.  It sounded, female- I don't think they're a monster.

"Nico Di Angelo. You?" 

"Why do you want to know?"

I sighed. "Look, lady. I'm on a quest to save you so you can help us win a war against Typhon and-"

"Typhon?" She asked. "He's back? Who are you?"

"Yes, he's back. This is the second time now, and I already told you who I am."

"I mean the godly parent."

I raised my eyebrow. "Hades." 

She gasped and moved back, I could hear her chains against the floor. I got tired of her lurking in the shadows and forced the shadows away.

"Angelos?" I asked.

She took a deep breath again. "You know who I am?"

"Yeah of course. Daughter of my dear old uncle Zeus and Bitch." I said.


I coughed. "I meant Hera. Totally meant Hera."

 She laughed then coughed. "Do you happen to have anything I could use. Like Ambrosia and Nectar?"

I nodded and looked through my bag. I gave her my extra canteen of Necter. She drank it up and looked less pale. "Thanks. I haven't had anything in eons." I handed her some Ambrosia. She ate that up too. 

"So... Will you help us with this war?"

"You saved me from this horrid prison. For you? Anything."

"Well then. My boyfriend and friend are waiting for me to come back. We best be going." She nodded but not before placing a hand on my chest. She said some incantation and my bones healed. That was a good trick, it does also help that she's a goddess. I thanked her and I escorted her out.

I'm ready to end this war once and for all. Now that we have a Goddess on our side we may win.


-she was the daughter of Zeus and Hera  She was raised by whom Nymphs Zeus had entrusted with her care, but one day she stole her mothers' anointments and gave them to a mortal woman. She was forced to flee Hera's wrath, Zeus eventually ordered her cleansed of her wrongdoings by an obscure cult of the Underworld. Thereafter she was gifted the Underworld as her purview, and given the title of katachthonia, which means literally "she of the Underworld."

Found on the Wiki Fandom. 

And..... Who liked the twist. The monster was no monster at all.

Or is she?......... 


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