Chapter Thirteen - Christmas Eve

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It was the day before Christmas and I did not want to get up. I haven't had a proper Christmas with real people since Bianca. I skipped last Christmas with Will last year as well. "Hey, Neeks," Will said quietly.

"Mumph," I responded.

"Come on Death boy, it's Christmas Eve. Can we please celebrate this one together, at least just spend time with our friends?

I lifted myself up from the bed and looked at him. "Fine, for you." he smiled, it was worth it to see him smile. I gave him a kiss before I tried to lay back in bed. 

Will pinned me under him, my arms held above me. I could feel his breath on me, I tried to wiggle my way out but he wouldn't let me. "No more sleep, let's go downstairs." he brushed his lips with mine. I flushed pink as he was above me. 

"Do I have to eat?"

"Just enough," he brushed his lips with mine again as he spoke, "for dessert."

I couldn't argue with him at this state, "Sure, anything." He pressed his lips against mine, I accepted them. I wanted to deepen the kiss but he pulled away with a smirk on his face. "Will," I whined.

"Come on, Hazel is here. She doesn't know yet remember. She could come in any minute..."

"But-" I heard the doorknob rattling. "Nevermind," I whined. "You win." I placed a quick kiss on his lips before Will rolled off me and let me go.

Hazel got in and said, "Nico, you haven't eaten yet." she was quiet waiting for an answer. "Why?"

"I've been asleep Hazel. What time is it?"

"10:30 PM. You have to eat! Go!" she demanded.

"Alright alright. ." I grumble. "Theoí ímoun sti mési káti." (Gods, I was in the middle of something.) Thank the gods she doesn't know Greek. Hazel was confused whereas Will laughed and dragged me out the door.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally showed." Sirius smirked.

"Well, I'm sorry I slept so late." I retorted. "Nightmares kept me up."

"Nico, chill," Hazel said, she was really getting on my nerves.

"I'm sorry, mornings or just waking up, in general, make me moody." I apollogized. 

"It's okay, I'm sure you did the best you could with sleep," he said.

"Welp, Will, come help me make one of my Mom's favorite Italian dishes."

"I thought you didn't remember her after um, the swim."

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I don't άδης told me." (Hades) he nodded

"Um, Nico?" Hazel said softly.

"Yes Haz?"

"Um, I'm leaving after dinner. I wanted to spend time with both you and Frank this Christmas. Is that okay?"

I sighed, I was unhappy that my only - Living - sister was leaving, nevertheless, I responded with, "It's okay, don't worry, I'll be fine. We'll eat lunch and we will change Mrs. O'Leary back." Hazel gave me a 'are you sure?' look "Really, I'll be fine. Besides, where is she?"

"Percy needed her so Shadow turned her back and she um left."

I nodded. "Do you need me to take you home?"

"Nico..." Will warned. I ignored him.

"No, I'll be fine. Don't worry. Will and I will make a special Christmas lunch for you. You are my only sister anyway. Since um, you know." I responded. I grabbed Wills's arm, but not before seeing Hazel smile guiltily, and we walked to the kitchen.

"So, did you really want to cook or did you want to be alone." he askes. I sit up on the counter and he wraps his arms around my waist. "Both?" I said although it came out as more as a question than a statement. 

He leaned in and kissed my lips. I eagerly kissed back and he then pulled away, for air.
He placed his head in the crook of my neck and I held him. "Come on Will, we have to make lunch."

He groaned. "But Nico! I don't wanna." he snuggled more into my neck. I laughed and lifted his head. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I was going to pull away before he realized what was going on, but he kissed back pushing his head closer as I pulled away. "No." he mumbled into the kiss. I was pulling away when I heard a throat being cleared. 

We abruptly broke apart and saw the twins smirking at the doorway. I jumped off the counter and Will rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, well, well. Look who we caught snogging." Fred smirked.

"What do you expect. It's Christmas. The only reason I'm up, or even talking to people here is because of Will." 

"And why's that may I ask?" George questioned still smirking. 

I shrugged and said, "Because my sister died on the eighteenth of December. I haven't had a proper Christmas since I was ten." Their smirks fell off their faces and I then said. "Welp, enough of that. Will, either help me make food or leave." I demanded. 

"Fine." He said. "I guess... I'll stay. What are we making?" 

"We are making Spezzatino di Maiale. An Italian country styled pork."

"We will go, Fred and I have some pranks to do." 

"Actually, can you stay. We want to tell you something, and I need a taste tester."

They looked at each other and shrugged. They conjured some chairs and sat down. "Free food? Anytime." Fred said.

"What did you want to talk about?" George asked.

"Yeah Nico, what?" Will asked, looking at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Πρέπει να τους πούμε για τον κόσμο μας. Ξέρεις το επικίνδυνο." (We need to tell them about our life. You know the dangerous one.)

"Γιατί?" (Why?)

"Επειδή τους εμπιστεύομαι, και αυτό είναι δύσκολο να επιτευχθεί. Λοιπόν, αν δεν ήταν εσύ. Είσαι πεισματάρης." (Because I trust them, and that's hard work to achieve. Well, unless it was you. You're stubborn.)

He paused to think, I gave him my puppy eyes. He gave in, "Fine. You cook and I'll explain."

The twins had a confused expression. I pulled out my iPod a gift from Will and the Hephaestus cabin I put my Italian music on and began to cook. Will sat down across from The twins and began to explain everything. Somehow they had everything I needed in this kitchen. 
backless pork, nusset, onion, garlic, fresh tomatoes, fresh oregano, fresh rosary, fresh basil leaves, salt, crushed red pepper, virgin olive oil and fresh Italian parsley for garnish. -The herbs can be dried as well. I just like them fresh.- 

I cooked and eventually sang along to Italian music. As I finished a sample I walked over to the others who were watching me. I took an earbud out. "Yes?"

"You're a demigod?" they said simultaneously.

"Son of Hades at your service."

"Cool. Can you really do all of the stuff Will said, like summoning the dead, leading an undead army, and travel through shadows?"

"Of course, would you like me to show you?" I smirked.

"Nico, no. Doctors orders."

"Nico yes," I said. 

"Nico yes." Fred and George. I smiled.

"See," I said giving him a pointed look. "Let's go." I grabbed their arms and we melted into a shadow. I traveled them to the roof. They fell over and threw up. "God, that's worse than appaerating for the first time."

"I don't know what that is."

It was the twins turn to smirk. "Let's go back. But this time, we apparate you back." I shrugged and allowed them to grab my arm. My stomach lurched as we ended up in the kitchen. I was used to my body being pulled and I just stumbled a little before standing up straight again. 
The twins looked astonished. "Now. "I began grabbing some plates. "I have a sample for you, now eat. I need feedback."

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