Dancing in a Smoky Room

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I was dressed in the dress from our first date and eagerly waiting for Alastor to knock on my door. I was excited to go out dancing tonight. It was seven o'clock when the knock finally came. I flung open the door, trying not to bounce up and down like a small child. 

"Beautiful as ever," Alastor said, giving me a quick kiss, "Are you ready to go?" I beamed at him, happy as could be. Alastor offered me his arm, I took it, and he led me down to the waiting town car. He opened the car door for me like the gentleman he was. On the ride to the club, he held my hand in the backseat. I felt like Cinderella being escorted to the ball. 

We pulled up to a posh club in one of the fancier parts of Hell. Alastor once again held the door for me, then offered me his arm to lead me inside. A demon in a black tuxedo bowed us into a smoke filled dark lit room filled with jazz music and demons dressed in their best. We went over to the bar and sat down on two high stools, a prime spot to watch everything that was going on. 

"Two glasses of your best wine." Alastor said to the bartender. The polished demon poured us two glasses of dark red wine. Alastor paid and gave a generous tip to the bartender, a Cheshire grin on his lips. We sipped at our drinks, watching the others milling about around us. Couples out on the dance floor, swaying in time with the music. A group of gentleman playing cards at a table in the corner, their thick cigar smoke partially cloaking them. The band playing in another corner, filling the air with wonderful sounds. 

"Shall we dance?" Alastor asked me, draining the last of his wine. 

I set my half drank glass on the bar and grinned at him, "I would love to." I took Alastor's hand and he led me out onto the dance floor among the other couples. He took me into his arms and we began a waltz. I felt so safe there in his arms, and felt like I was the most beautiful girl in the world when he smiled down at me. Some people might think his red gaze terrifying, but I loved it. We danced one song, then the next. It was so much fun, I never wanted the night to end. 

At the end of the third song, Alastor dipped me, making me feel elegant. When I came back up, our faces were inches apart. It was like time had frozen around us. 

"(Y/N)," Alastor said in a husky whisper, "I love you." I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed his lips gently. He tasted like the wine. 

"I love you too, Alastor." I replied, my heart swelling with every word. I meant those words too. Hell might fear the radio demon. But I loved him.

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