The Radio Demon

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*Warning! This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence and mature themes!*

Pacing back and forth in my little apartment, I pondered over what Bernard had told me. Alastor had always treated me so nicely, was he really the physical manifestation of evil? But he did know where I lived without even asking me. 

A knock at the door broke my concentration, and I paused. The knock came again. Tentatively, I went over and open the door. Alastor stood there, his Cheshire grin across his face as he saw me. Unsure of how to react, I just stood there like an idiot. 

"May I come in?" Alastor chuckled, moving in to give me a kiss. I stepped back, avoiding his touch. 

"You're the radio demon." I stated flatly. 

"I believe I mentioned that before." He chuckled, shrugging nonchalantly. 

"But you never explained what that was." I said, "Bernard, the book store owner, told me who you were." He peered at me, trying to figure out what I was saying. 

"Y/N..." He sighed, reaching out to take my hand. 

I pulled away again, "No! Alastor, you need to leave." But instead, he just stood there, red eyes drilling into my soul. 

"Fine," I huffed, "If you won't leave, I will." Shoving past him, I stormed down the stairs and out the door of the apartment lobby. Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I walked down the street, eyes cast towards the ground. 

Lost in my thoughts, I wondered why I couldn't find a normal guy who treated me well. What kind of bad karma had I done to deserve a crappy life not only on Earth but also in Hell? Did I kill kittens in a past life or something? 

Just as I was walking past a grungy, dark alley, a grimy hand reached out and grabbed the collar of my shirt. I was yanked back behind a dumpster, where I came face to face with a sallow faced demon with blood shot eyes and missing teeth. 

"Cash..." He growled, holding out his free hand. 

Trying to break free, I panted, "I don't have any cash! Let me go!" 

"No cash..." The disgusting demon growled, eyes roving over my body. My stomach lurched and I struggled not to vomit. I opened my mouth to scream, but before any sound could come out, he punched me in the nose. Cradling my now bleeding nose, I made little whimpering noises as I twisted and turned, trying to escape. 

The hand that gripped my shirt now wound itself into my hair, gripping tightly. With a sharp tug, he bashed the side of my head against the dumpster. Stars blew up before my eyes and I felt myself crumple. 

I felt myself being dropped on the filthy ground, and my eyes rolled. In my half conscious state, I could feel the demon dragging my jeans below my hips. Panic seized my soul, but I couldn't move to stop him. My limbs felt like they were filled with lead. All I could do was manage to make little whimpering noises. 

Events from my life flashed before my eyes. My boyfriend beating me in the parking lot of the football stadium when I refused to give him head. Him taking my virginity by force in the basement of my parent's home. The pain of each blow leaving bruises on my face, arms, and chest. The terrifying feeling as he ripped me apart from the inside. Remembering crying as silently as possible as I tried to clean up the blood before anyone saw. 

"Not again!" I managed to scream, a hoarse, strangled noise that sounded alien to my ears. Dimly, I could feel the disgusting demon moving between my legs. I closed my eyes, willing my mind to go somewhere, anywhere, else. I didn't want to feel his heavy weight pressing down on me. Or smell his rancid breath panting in my ear. 

Suddenly, the demon was lifted off of me. I managed to turn my head to see Alastor, snarling like a feral animal as he gripped my attacker by the throat. Sharp claws dug into his skin, drawing blood. I have never seen that much hate in someone's eyes, it was terrifying. 

Seeing that murderous look in Alastor's eyes snapped me into alertness. Moaning in pain, I managed to pull myself into a corner between the dumpster and concrete wall and curl up in a ball. I watched as Alastor turned from the the southern gentleman who brought me coffee and read books into the horrifying radio demon everyone feared. 

His eyes were a dark crimson, his fangs long and sharp. His claws were shredding his victim's throat to bloody ribbons.  I watched him tear the demon limb from limb, scattering organs and flesh all over the alley. The scene before me made Jack the Ripper's crime scenes look like a fairy tale wedding. 

Where there was nothing left to shred to pieces, Alastor turned to me. Seeing my crumpled, beaten form in the corner, he instantly softened. The radio demon fazed back into the southern gentleman I was familiar with. 

Slowly, as not to startle me, Alastor crouched before me, extending out a hand covered in blood. His eyes traveled from my bruised face to my arms, where a look of shock crossed his own face. I followed his gaze down to my arms. In my shock, I had clawed at my own arms, leaving long scratch marks oozing blood. With a strangled sob catching in my throat, my eyes met his once again. Cautiously, Alastor moved closer to me. A fear clenched in my guy and I squeezed myself further back into the corner. I didn't want anyone to touch me.

Sighing sadly, Alastor extended his other hand towards his side, as if reaching for something. An antique looking microphone appeared in his hand. He pointed it at me, where a red glow radiated from the mic. A wave of exhaustion washed over me, and my eyelids drooped. The last thing I saw before blacking out, was the radio demon's face peering intently at me. 

Author's Note

I want to give a special thank you to sdalton2011 for the idea for this chapter. Please go check out her Alastor x OC story! 

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