11 미지수 (Unknown)

Start from the beginning


Jackson was cleaning his favourite portrait lens, sitting on the old couch in their studio and stealing glances at reflection in a full body mirror strategically angled to somewhere hidden into room divider.

Unbeknownst, the model was changing himself behind a beautiful shoji screen made of translucent paper adorned with cherry blossom, a Japanese room divider that he bought in Kyoto.

If geisha means artist, someone who has to entertain their guest by wearing beautiful makeup, enchanting silk clothes, must dance, sing and look beautiful with their every moment, Kim Seokjin felt like one.

So he fell in love with that beautiful and delicate thing and bought the shoji screen.

So? he felt beautiful each time he changed clothes behind it, when his make-up artist painted and adorned his face.

He felt like he was part of that hidden and beautiful world of white paint and beautiful kimonos. Wanted to take part of their floating world.

(Author's note: I like this idea a lot so might actually start another fic with this kind of thematic lol)

The model was battling with a button of a Mulberry silk made expensive shirt, a button he forgot to put out, caused for his head to become stuck and made it impossible to move it through the hole when he heard the voice of the photographer.

"I'm starting to fear to head home alone because I always feel like I'm not alone, that someone is following me but once I turn around to see who, there's nothing. Maybe I'm becoming crazy."

Seokjin looked at him, tilting his head, finaly archiving to unbutton that hindering thing and angrily throwing the shirt into a wooden chair next to his wardrobe.

"Maybe there's truly nothing" said the model. "maybe you are so used of people staring at you that you feel like it's always happening."

Jacksom vigorously shook his head, trying for Jin to understand his fears.

"The other day I was on a train". he said, almost trembling. "the rattle stopped once it reached a train station, i heard the doors open and close, and the train continued on its way. After a few minutes." He paused to breath in. "I felt a strange sensation begin to spread in the environment. My body tensed on his own. Something told me that I was being watched" he signaled to himself, dramatically emphasizing his body with his arms. "and then, I saw a boy staring at me from the area of ​​passage between wagons, through the glass of the door" he trembled again, suddenly feeling cold. "I couldn't watch his face, as he was wearing a white mask that covered most of his face... and it was far away, but his eyes hyung..." Jackson seemed lost on his memories, vivid on his brain. "his eyes were colder than ice. It made me think 'how is it possible for someone to have a gaze as cold as that?'."

Seokjin listened and nodded, imagining the sentiment of his friend.

"Then, I looked to my book again, because I felt afraid of our eyes meeting again, but the sensation of being watched disappeared and suddenly, the boy has left " Jackson pulled the sleeve of the jersey, nervous. "but hyung, it's the same sensation I feel when I'm outside..."

Maybe Jackson was right and someone was following him.

Maybe a sasaeng got obsessed with the photographer. Maybe, he was unlucky enough to attract that kind of people, human being obsessed with idols and famous people who wanted to rule their thoughts and lifes with fear and darkness.

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