29 그들을 알게 되나요? (Meet The Contestants)

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Kim Seokjin couldn't sleep much afted that

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Kim Seokjin couldn't sleep much afted that... so he got dragged to the ground floor against his will and himself sitting surrounded by too many cameras and hurriedly staff.

So, the model sat uncomfortably on a chair placed in the middle of the two tables, feeling like Pumba in front of a thousand hungry and terrifying hyenas.

So many people to get to know...

Too many people to share his time with.

Too many unknown people that sadly wanted to try and replace Jackson.

Five pair of eyes continuously stealing glances at him while trying to awkwardly introduce themselves at the cameras, talking to the public as naturally as they could.

From those five people, two pair of eyes were staring at each other, almost as if they were measuring themselves and in the middle of an internal battlefield that kept happening since the last contestant entered the room.

Although usually dense, Jin noticed it while constantly looking at Kim Taehyung's eyes, whose stare was fixed on the so-called 'Kai', as if they already knew and hated each other. As if both of them were actually well acquainted outside of what would become their new house and deliberately decided to ignore the model to rile him up.

The model did not know whether to be resentful or happy about that.

Nevermind, the tension was palpable in the room and everyone could sense it, even the fans who were watching the show online, already wondering and gossiping about the reason behind those glacial cold stares.

Those stares would surely inspire many ship names for them all, thousands of stories to be writen and gossiped in crowded subways, high schools and offices.

As for Jin, it seemed as if both of them competed about who was going to make the model cry first.

Kim Taehyung's enigmatic magnetism versus Kim Jongin charisma and attitude.

Both of them were actually too intense for the model's current mood, who just wanted to become a burrito under his sheets and sleep until his body said enough.

Luckily, the other three were much warmer, so Seokjin kindly glanced at Yeonjun, whose feet were constantly moving up and down from the nervousness of being constantly recorded and having to measure his words to cause a great first impression.

The model smiled every time their gazes meet and enjoyed the cute blush on the younger's tiny ears, wanting to save him from the nerves that he was actually inspiring on the younger one.

Kim Seokjin wanted to save the younger ones from themselves, from the nerves and distrust. They were worthy, but sadly, could never replace Jackson Wang.

Jackson banishment still pained his soul. As there were too many unsolved incognitas towards his motives to end his own life.

Too many shades and blanks to fill in.

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