"How about i take Joey too?" I suggest and she looks gobsmacked by my offer. "Cheryl is at home and she will give me a hand. If i have the kids you can get some rest because it looks like you need it"

"Are you sure?" I nod my head and kiss her baby's soft hair. Whitney jumps at the offer and does not need any convincing at all. She gets up to get her large nappy bag and she puts it over my shoulder. "Kim, you're a God sent. Everything he needs is in that bag, his carseat is in the front room and his pram is in the garden, if you need it"

"I will bring them back later on tonight, i will text you but don't worry they are in safe hands" I tell her although i doubt she would worry anyway. I think this woman would palm her kids off on anyone, strangers included if it meant that she could get some peace.

When i have all of the children ready to go i start to chuckle at the thought of Cheryl's face when i walk through the door with not three children in tow but five. Cheryl loves kids and we have always talked about having a big family of our own so this could be a bit of practice. I am not even out of the front garden when i notice the upstairs window of next door's house opens and an old, grey headed woman sticks her head out of it.

"I should've known she'd have her nose pressed against the window, trying to see who my visitors are. Only moved in a few months ago and she already likes sticking her nose into everyone's business, she doesn't even try to hide it!" Whitney says in a loud voice so the woman next door can hear her.

"Aint you that woman from all of those magazines?" The woman says to me while pulling her cigarette from between her thin lips.

"I don't know what you mean" I laugh and Alaina looks up at the window. I am trying to get all 5 kids to the car in one piece and Junie has already legged it down the street once so i am in no mood to have this tedious conversation. Whitney's neighbour starts to ask more questions and i ignore her, putting one kid in the car at a time. Lilly and Paisley can't stop smiling with anticipation of spending the day together and Alaina feels like a big girl sat with her giggling sister and her best friend. She is trying to join in with their silly conversations and even sillier games and for now they are letting her which makes me happy. 

Whitney loves a good argument and from what i have heard she can not stand this lady so she looks up at her window and holds a hand to her hip. "Never mind who she is. Aint you got anything better to do than watch who comes in and out of my house, you nosey old cow?"

"Whitney!" I gasp and the old woman flicks away her cigarette, letting it fall to the concrete beneath her. I ignore the two of them throwing insults to and fro and finish fastening Junie's seatbelt. Once all of the kids are in the car i can finally breathe. They were running a mock just minutes ago but i am sure that once i get them home and they have toys and games to keep them entertained they will be no bother at all, or at least that is what i am hoping. 


The look on Cheryl's face was priceless when she opened the door and Paisley, Alaina, Junie and Lilly ran passed her like a tornado and when i lifted baby Joey out of the car she could not believe her eyes. We now have a houseful and as chaotic as it is Cheryl is loving every minute of doting on the children and running around after them all. It would be raining today of all days so the kids will be couped up in the house all day long but after burning off all of their energy they have calmed down and are playing nicely in the living room.

I am sat on the sofa with Alaina watching Paisley and her best friend playing with all of the barbies that Paisley brought down from her bedroom. Seeing all of the Barbies that Paisley has scattered all over the living room floor makes me realise that she has far too many but she loves them like i did when i was her age. They all have different names that Paisley has given to them herself. The Barbies have everything from horses and cars to jewellery and outfits for all occasions, it is ridiculous. Lilly is bursting with excitement as she looks from doll to doll, i don't think she has ever seen so many in her life.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now