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When I came round I was told I had been out for two days and woke up minutes after the girl "Gal, I don't trust her at all she's nothing but trouble" is the first thing I said when I saw him earning me a confused look off Newt and Minho, who had just come back from being in the maze said something about Thomas freaking out "you saw her for like ten seconds before you passed out how can you not trust her?" Newt asked "she's the girl I saw in the changing Newt that's why" I snapped at him even though I probably shouldn't have sighing I turned to him "look Newt I'm sorry its just seeing her and and then she turns up not to mention the bad feeling I had about Thomas" I said while he just pulled me into a hug "it's okay May I should have realised who she was with how you described her" he said while Minho and Gally joined in with the hug "now come on lets go and see if the girls calmed down" Newt said when we all broke up "and you two try to be nice please" he continued giving me and Gally a pointed look "we'll try" we said in sync as we left the room only to bump into thomas and the girl "god where your ears burning or something" I said which earnt me a smack up the side of the head from Minho, a glare from newt and Gally to try and supress a laugh "what? But anyway she came up with these maybe they're useful for Alby" he said while holding up three glass syringes with blue liquid in them "hey they look like the grief serum" I said while we all walked into Alby's room for Newt to ask Clint and Jeff about them "look we've got no idea what they do or why they came up with her it could kill him" Newt said while looking at Alby who looked worse for wears "Newt hes already dieing" Thomas said "Oi last time I checked your a shucking runner, not a med-jack so shut up before I make you" I said while Minho held me back "alright then you do it"Newt said making me glare at him while Thomas went and stuck the syringe into him.

Just then chuck and will burst through the door "what are you two doing your not supposed to be in here" Newt said to them as they stood catching their breath "It's the doors they aren't closing" Will said making us all run out into the glade "alright Thomas, Minho grab Alby and meet at the homestead everyone else go and hide" Newt shouted as we heard a griever shriek but I felt like I couldn't move and i think Gally noticed because he picked me up and ran over to the box which still hadn't gone down and we hid in it along with a few others when Malec came and asked us to open it for it to get in and as we tried a griever came and took him which resulted in me shrieking and sitting in the corner of the box silently. I may not have been close to him but he was still a friend 'god I just hope Newts alright it would destroy me if anything happened to him' I thought as gally came and sat next to me picking me up and putting me on his lap where we stayed until we heard someone shout that it was all clear. As soon as we had gotten out of the box Gally stormed over to where Thomas was standing with Newt, Minho, Chuck and the newbie man I need to find out her name "this is all your fault Thomas" he shouted spit flying everywhere as he punched him across the face which if it wasn't for the events that had just happened I would have probably laughed but I quickly burst into action as I helped Winston and Frypan stop Gally from going to hit him again not that it mattered anyway seeing as Thomas took a griever needle off chuck and stuck it into his leg the shucking idiot. "May wheres Malec?" Will questioned as he looked around the gladers that had formed his face stained with tears, blood and mud "Im sorry Will the griever got him before we could open the doors to the box" I said while hugging him "What about Simon and Alby?" I questioned noticing they weren't with them "Grievers got them is all he said when we pulled away to see gally getting Winston and some others to put a passed out Thomas and the girl into the slammer "anyone else who doesn't want to follow me can go with them" He shouted looking around everyone 'man I feel like I should have paid attention to that' I thought as I walked over to him and tried to calm him down which didn't work and he stormed off so I left him to calm down on his own this time "Look May I get that you will probably want to stay with Gally but we know a way out" Will whispered to me while we walked over to Newt and Minho so that no one else could hear us "really is it true newtie minmin?" I questioned seeing as they had heard us " Yeah May it's true so you in or not" they asked looking at me hopefully "well we have a pact don't we"I said to Newt while smiling as he gave me the biggest bear hug going. "How are you going to do it though? Im guessing only Thomas and the girl know the idea" I said "she's called Teresa and yeah they do we're going to talk to them about it tomorrow you coming with?" he asked which only resulted in me smirking at him "of course dear brother" I said "now I'm going to go find gally then sleep so night guys" I said while kissing them all on their cheeks resulting in a good night back from them as I walked to our shared hut "Hey Gal you in here?" I questioned tentatively just in case I had caught him at a bad time " Yeah I'm in here May" He said back so I walked in and saw him laid on the bed "Gally why are you so against getting out of here" I stupidly asked instantly regretting it as soon as it came out of my mouth "like what happened to the dream of a house and little us running around?" I continued trying to save myself from him blowing up on me " I'm not against it May it's just that so many bad things have happened since they turned up and I could have lost you tonight I think there's a reason we are in here so I'm staying you can go if you want but I can't lose you May I just can't" he said as I felt a tear fall onto the top of my head " look Gal the only way you're going to lose me is if you don't come with us even you should know that if I had to choose between staying with you and going with Newt i'd chose him" I said honestly while playing with his hands "yeah because of the stupid pact that you both made" He said while scoffing "No gal because he's my brother he's the only person I have left" I said looking up at him "You have me" He replied "yeah I do have you and I love you with all my heart Gal but It will always be family first I'm sorry" I said tears threatening to spill as he turned and faced the wall "I think we should just go to sleep" He mumbled as I turned and faced the opposite way as well "Yeah I think we should" I mumbled just before I fell asleep.

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