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Well, three greenies later I can safely say that today's the last day that I have to welcome a greenie form the box, hopefully for a long time, after my punishment. God, I hate all the questions like shuck face we don't know anything either now shut up. Anyways I started the morning the same way I had since being here, sat at my table with Minho, newt, alby and gally just staring around at all the other gladers. As I did that I spotted the three newest members of the glade, malec, will and Simon



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(such a lazy writer ain't i?)

They didn't manage to stick with any of the friendship groups around the glade so they made their own, in fact, the only people that would talk to them were the sloppers which made sense seeing as they were all one. I had tried to be friendly with them when they first came up but they just asked too many questions and I ended up nearly punching that Will in the face, I mean he has got a very punchable face so don't blame me (a/n got nothing against Joe Cole its just for the story) oh that reminds me of his bonfire that was a great night you see Will was the second greenie up and during the celebrations I decided that I finally wanted to go 1v1 with Gally and lets just say I won he may have let me, as he keeps telling everyone else, but I still won and haven't let him forget it. A nudge to the side woke me up from dreamland "thinking about anything important up there" Gally questioned as he tapped on my head. Swatting his hand away I playfully glared at him "no just thinking of the time I beat your ass" i replied smirking at him "I let you win" he whined stabbing his food "sure you did love" i said kissing his cheek and handing my empty plate to fry as he began talking " hey M you should pop round later after you've shown the greenie around feels like I haven't spoken to you for years" he exaggerated as I just laughed "good that fry I'll try and come when you aren't busy don't wanna lose my eye do i?" I questioned jokingly as we remembered what happened last time I came into the kitchen when he was cooking, he nearly cut my hand off cause I scared him how was I supposed to know that he'd not heard me come in?

Just as our laughter had died down the greenie alarm went off causing me to groan and fry to laugh again as he dragged me out to the box "come on May its your last one for a while" he said trying to find the good out of it "easy for you to say you can avoid them by being in the kitchen all day I've got to answer millions of questions that i don't know jack about" i replied as we reached the box with gally and newt opening up the doors and then I jumped down into it letting the light fill up the box I noticed that the greenie was huddled in a corner "god it stinks like klunk down there" someone murmured as others agreed "alright shut your traps" I shouted up as i got a good look at the boy. He looked no older than 13 with brown curly hair and a chubby face with red cheeks, actually looking at him he was chubby everywhere. Holding my hand out i smiled politely at him a small glint of sympathy evident on my face 'hes just a boy' I thought why would they send him up "welcome to the glade greenie I'm May come on lets get you out of here" I said calmly to him as he reached his shaking and sweaty hand out to meet mine. Grabbing hold of the rope that gally had dropped down I passed it to him and then let them pull him up. When they had done that gally reached down and helped me climb out. Staring at both Newt and Gally's faces I knew exactly what they were thinking this poor kid is done for. It was at that moment i made a mental note that i would protect this kid with every fibre of my body. "Great looks like were going to have to keep an eye on him near food" i heard winston say to anyone who would listen which in return earned him a laugh from those around him "oi slim it" i shouted as newt turned around as well "havent you all got work to do?" he asked giving them a pointed look as everyone started to walk off "ill see you later right?" gally questioned as he walked past me kissing me on the forehead as i returned my answer as a nod.

"Well you already know my name but this is Newt and Alby they're in charge around here" i said to the newbie after everyone had left pointing at both boys as i said their names "you'll get your name back in a day or two its the only thing that they allow us to keep and before you go asking any questions unless the next thing that's going to come out of your mouth is your name keep it shut till i've given you the tour" i continued before sighing and looking towards alby and newt for some help " dont look at us you brought this upon yourself" alby said before walking off leaving me with a confused greenie and an amused Newt "hes your last one for a bit May be nice to him alright" he said before giving me a quick hug and walking off 'bloody shanks' i thought befIre i heard a squeak at the side of me " what you got to say greenie?" i questioned trying to stay calm "my name its chuck" he said smiling a little as he did " well chuck welcome to the glade now lets get on with the tour shall we" i said smiling as i turned to face the box.

Time skip to after the tour

"Any questions then chuckie?" i asked after i had finally finished the tour silently hoping that there wasn't that many " yeah but i've only got two" he said earning a nod from me for him to continue " who sent us here and why are you the one giving me the tour if your not the leader?" he continued looking slightly intimidated as he did. Chuckling slightly i answered him " well chucky-boy one we don't know who sent us up and two it's because they were two of the first up so they naturally took it upon himself to become leaders and a great bloody job they've done of it" i replied honestly looking around at the place we live " now come on it's lunch time you might be able to scrape in a job before dinner to get them out of the way quicker" i said as we headed over to the kitchen for a sandwich of frypan.

Sitting down at my usual table i noticed chuck hesitate a bit. "Its alright greenie we wont bite" newt said beconing chuck to come over " so you got a name yet greenie?" gally asked only slightly interested in him as he ate his food "yeah erm im called chuck" he sputtered out as Newt nodded his head and gally replied with a good that before i heard him murmure about him becoming a slopper under his breath. Elbowing him slightly i gave him a pointed glare as we all sat and ate in silence. When we finished our food alby came wondering over "so im guessing youve had your tour huh newbie?" alby questioned as chuck just nodded at him "great come on you have time to try out being a slicer before dinner but warning it aint pretty" he said as he dragged chuck away the poor kid looking even more terrified than before if thats even a thing. "Poor kid" i said as gally wrapped his arm around my shoulder "he aint gonna survive long on his own we need to protect him at all costs" i said earning a nod from newt and a sigh from gally "alright M but you can't completely baby him you know that right?" gally questioned as i just looked up at him "i know" I sighed as i rested my head on his shoulder 


just a quick chapter before I plan on bringing Thomas into the story. does anyone still read this? cause if you do I need your help im planning on carrying on May's journey but do I add her into the scorch or do I pick it back up straight at death cure? please let me know what you think

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