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A few days later and Minho and Alby have gone out looking for a dead griever that Minho found yesterday while out in the maze leaving Newt in charge and me as his right-hand women seeing as I'm apparently the most trustable person in here after him but that's probably cause everyone loves me. Anyways it was now halfway through the day and they were not back yet which was causing newt to become agitated "they're not back yet May why aren't the back yet?" he questioned while pacing up and down outside the gardens "I don't know newt but look Minho's a smart guy and so is Alby they'll be back before you know it okay" I said while he just stopped and looked at me "you just called Minho smart it's the bloody end of the world" he said cracking a laugh "yeah well if you tell him that I'll cut ya" I said while trying to keep a straight face which worked for all of five seconds "what are you two laughing at?" Gally questioned as he walked up to us with food "oh just May trying to look threatening" Newt said which caused Gally to chuckle and hand us a sandwich and an apple each. Sitting down next to me he leaned in to whisper "shouldn't they be back by now?" while I just nodded "it's that greenie I'm telling you first ben and now this, something's going on and I bet you next week's tea that he knows what's happening" he whispered to me again only making me look at the ground in sadness. You see Ben was banished last night because he attacked Thomas claiming that he had seen him and when we went to stop he we saw that he had been stung so Alby banished him. "There'd definitely something going on with him but I don't think he caused a dead griever Gal" I said while leaning into him as he put his arm around me "oi Newt sit down mate" Will shouted while jogging over to us "shut up you before I throw you off the bloody cliff" newt snapped back earning will to raise his hands in surrender and look at us "he's just worried about Minho and alby" I said while he nodded "so you gonna eat that or just stare at it?" he asked looking at our food "too stressed to eat take it" me and Newt said in sync getting him to stop pacing once again and look at me "well that was scary" we said in sync again this time he slowly sat down "ok you tow hang out way too much" gally said while will sit there eating earning a shrug from me and newt "oi will where are the other two idiots that normally follow you around?" I question referring to Malec and Simon "I dunno probably doing some actual work for once, I know chucks with the greenie" he said "speaking of the greenie he's been asking a lot of shucking questions about you think he might like ya" he continued while pointing at me causing gally to tighten his grip around my waist "yeah well he can stop shes taken" he said while glaring at will lets just say if looks could kill he'd be dead "hey hey calm down love will's only the messenger plus he's not my type anyway so you've got nothing to worry about" I said trying to calm him down "and if anything I think he swings the other way, don't you agree Newtie?" I questioned playing with him slightly "what do you mean by that?" he questioned getting all flustered causing us all to laugh "just a little joke brother" I said still laughing to myself.

A few hours passed and we had managed to take Newts mind off the fact that they weren't back yet until we noticed a crowd-drawing towards the door and that the sky was getting darker so we pushed our way to the front where Thomas and Chuck were already stood "they're going to make it newt they've still got time" I said while holding both his and Gally's hands trying to hide any fear I had of them not returning when we saw Minho dragging Alby towards the doors the crowd was mixed with screams of "come on Minho" or "leave him behind" but tears started to well up in my eyes as the doors started closing and Minho fell to the floor. The next thing I knew Gally was pulling me close to him and Thomas had run through the doors as I let one last scream for Minho come out of my mouth before I burst into tears in Gally's arms "he's gone gal hes gone" I said as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear. When I had calmed down I pulled away and looked up at him "I need some time to myself" was all I said as I walked towards Minho's room thinking about all the good memories we had together as I took off my jumper and put one of his on. Around 20 minutes later I heard someone walk into the room but I was sat facing the wall so I didn't see who it was "thought I'd find you in here" I heard Gally's gruff voice behind me causing me to turn around " I said I wanted to be on my own" I replied my voice failing me as tears fell down my face "we both know you don't really want to be on your own May I've known you long enough now for that. Look we don't have to talk but I will sit with you yeah just so that you aren't on your own I know how much you cared about him" he said which caused me to get angry "stop talking about him as if he's dead he can't be gal why'd he have to be so shucking stupid" was all I said before he came and took me into his arms "shhhhhh its alright everything's going to be okay you've still got me, Newt, Fry and Will" he said while rocking me backwards and forwards.

At some point I fell asleep probably through crying a lot because I was woken up to Gally shaking me "come on the walls are about to open let's see if they miraculously managed to survive huh?" he said causing me to nod and get up. As I was walking out of the room he picked me up and started walking "you do know my legs work right? Well at least one of them anyway" I joked "yeah but I feel like treating you like the princess you are today" he said with a lopsided grin causing me to laugh "bish I'm a shucking queen I'll have you know" I replied causing a laugh to erupt from him. By the time we had got to the doors they were already open and chuck had shouted something which I didn't quite hear but it made gally start to run when we got closer I saw that it was Minho and Thomas carrying Alby "they made it, they shucking made it" I shouted jumping out of Gally's arms and running over to Minho to give him a big hug once he had gotten back into the I'made "i'm going to kill you" I said when we pulled away "yeah well can you get me some water first" he sassed while sitting on the floor turning to chuck I said "well you heard him go and fetch some bloody water" to which he ran off to get some "wait have you been crying for me? knew you'd miss me if I ever died" Minho said wile looking at my apperance which earned a shut up and light kick from me. "so you see a griever?" Jeff asked causing Thomas to nod and Minho to look at him "we didn't just see one this shank killed one" he said in between breaths as chuck handed him some water. "Told you we shouldn't trust him" gally whispered to me as i looked up and nodded at him while glaring slightly at Thomas "okay well you're going to tell us everything in a gathering later on where we will also discuss Thomas's punishment" Newt said trying to keep some order as the med jacks took Alby with them so that he could go through the changing " How much you bet he will see the newbie while in the changing?" I questioned Gally chuckling he replied with "I bet frypans stew" which caused me to laugh as well "I like the idea of that" I said while dragging him over to where the gathering was being held. The gathering was now over and basically, Thomas had to stay in the slammer for a night starting tomorrow which me and gally disapproved off but only gally voiced his dissaprovement and stormed out of the gathering which left me in the predicament I was in now. Minho wanted me to go out into the maze with him, Thomas, Winston, Zart and fry to go and look at the griever that was killed last night which I slightly wanted to do but I also wanted to go and look for gally and calm him down after considering them I decided that the latter was the best thing to do so I politely declined minhos offer and headed towards mine and gallys hut where I thought he would be. "Thought id find you here" I said repeating his words from the previous night "shocked you're not out there worshipping Thomas like the rest of them" he scoffed "I trust him just as much as you so don't give me the attitude" I said back causing him to sigh "I know im sorry its that im angry that everyone seems to bloody like him" He said while making room for me to lay with him. We must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Newt was screaming at us to get up "why"I moaned as we both sat up "Minho and Thomas" found something was all he said as we looked at each other and raced out of the room with him directing us to the homestead "what did ya find shank?" I questioned once we got there and he held up a metal tube thing that had a number seven on it "what's that" we said in sync causing everyone to look at us and me to blush "we think its a key" Minho said "pulled it out of the griever myself and me and Thomas are going to go look at sector 7 tomorrow" he continued "wait you went back into the maze" Gally questioned before turning to newt "you really gonna let this happen he broke our number one rule twice" he said his face turning red from anger "your right Thomas did break the rules twice and we can't be having that so from now on hes a runner" he said causing me and Gally to stare at him in disbelief before scoffing and walking out of the room "did he actually just say that?" I questioned once we had gotten out of the room but I didn't get a reply because the greenie alarm went off causing us to look at each other confused before running off towards the box "what's happening?" I heard the greenie question so i turned and answered him "means a new greenies coming up" "yeah well why's everyone acting like its the end of the world" he questioned "man you ask too many questions" is all I said causing gally to laugh and him to glare "its because they're supposed to come up once every month, not a few days after the other" chuck said probably being the only person able to tolerate him. When the box arrived Newt jumped down into it and what I saw caused me to gasp "its a girl" he said while she jumped up and said "Thomas" before passing out causing everyone to look at him "still think im crazy" Gally said but I couldn't take my eyes off her "gally that's the girl from my changing" is all I said before I passed out.

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