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Darkness that's all I could see. Every now and then an image would flash up and show me something but it was never anything too confusing. The first thing I saw was a young boy and girl around the ages of 7 or 8 and im guessing the girl was me, the boy had sandy blond hair and a British accent as he spoke "come on May we should go back to our room" he whispered while dragging me "remember what happened last time" he continued as I stopped and let him pull me "why do you have to be the smart one Newtie?" I questioned. Newt. The boy was Newt. "because im the older one plus mum and dad told me to look after you" he said. Wait, sister? Does that mean newts, my brother? I guess it would explain the accent. Another memory flashed before my eyes and this time it was with newt and another boy around the ages of 14/15 the other boy was tall and looked Asian. 'thats got to be Minho' i thought as I saw us just running around until we reached another girl who looked around my age with a pale complexion and long brown hair "we'll meet up tonight" Minho whispered to her before we walked away. Cutting to another memory this time it was me and a different boy his hair slightly long but his facial features represented Gally "I'm thinking about cutting my hair what do you think?" he questioned as I looked up at him "I think it would suit you although im a bit biased seeing as id love you no matter how you shucking looked"I replied while he just hugged me and smiled "I love you too" he said before it faded into darkness again. Come on May just open your eyes it can't be that hard I thought as I tried with all my might to push them open but it was no use I am just stuck here. God why did i have to go into the bloody maze? Why couldn't I have just walked to my hut or the Deadheads? If I survive this Alby's going to kill me I broke the number one rule.

Newt's POV

I've been sat at the side of her bed for the past three days and her screaming has only just stopped. "come on May wake up, please I don't know what id do without you" I mumbled to myself as I held her hand and dabbed some sweat off her face. Not noticing that anyone had walked into the room I jumped slightly when I turned around and saw Gally stood there looking a mess "what are you doing here?" i sneered as i glared at him "look I know im the reason she's here Newt but I want to see her I NEED to see her please at least tell me that she's okay" he said while staring at her tears glistening in his eyes looking like they could spill any second sighing I knew what I had to do, I moved out of the way so that he could sit next to her bed as I stood at the opposite side of him "she seems to be doing okay Minho got her back in time for the grief serum and Jeff seems to think that she will wake up soon" I said as he took her hand into his. "Look i don't agree with why you argued with her but i can tell that its eating you up so im going to go get some food and shower I'll let alby know that you're in here with her but if she wakes up and doesn't want you in here you leave straight away good that?" i said firmly with a glare on my face to get the point across.

Gally's POV

"Good that"I replied as I saw him take one last look at May and walk out. "Look May, im sorry okay im sorry that I shucking accused you of cheating I should have known that you weren't. Minho told me what your meetings were actually about and I don't get why you thought that you had to have a romantic occasion to tell me that you loved me you should have just brought it up cause I love you too and it's killing me to see you like this knowing that I caused it. You see I never told you that I loved you cause I was scared that you wouldn't say it back. I was scared that you would have gotten bored of me by now and seen me for the bully that I am but you haven't you see the good in everyone and sometimes you see the good in people that you shouldn't see any good in like me, but you seemed to change me so please wake up because this place is going to be one big nightmare if your not here by my side and I really hope you forgive me even though ive been the biggest jerk ever." I said with tears pouring down my face as I felt her cold hand squeeze mine " I forgive you, Gal, I promise" I heard her whisper as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. " I remember stuff before here, stuff with you Newt and Minho but I want to tell all three of you at the same time. I should probably tell Alby as well huh?" she said while chuckling sort off. Even when things are going tits up she finds the light to the situation. "Only you would find something like this funny," I said while shaking my head as she smiled at me "trust me you'll be laughing when I tell you what I saw" she replied as Jeff walked in.

May's POV

"Good you're awake" Jeff said smiling at me "I'll go get the others they were worried about you" he continued while walking back out and then returning minutes later with Alby, Newt and Minho "alright start talking shank before I tell you what your punishment is" Alby said his voice tinted with authority. "Well firstly Newt turns out you're my brother, Minho was my best friend and this shuckhead over here was my boyfriend," I said in one breath while pointing at each of them when I said their names gallys face turning white and his mouth hung open. "Wait what?" he said while alby just laughed at him "well that would explain the accent" Minho said as if he was only just putting two and two together "did you see anything else?" alby questioned as I thought about it "well I saw a girl but it didn't seem like much other than the fact that we were probably all friends with her at one point" I said and shrugged afterwards "now admiral alby whats my punishment?" I questioned knowing I would have to get it out of the way "well considering I don't want to punish you but ill have to so that no one else gets cranky you will have to show around the next four greenies to come up" he said while smiling slightly groaning i turned to him "I thought you said you didn't want to punish me?" I questioned while looking dumbfounded as he just shook his head and walked out. You see I don't tend to like the greenies they always look at me as if im a piece of meat that's free for them to take. "I guess you two have made up," Minho said breaking my train of thought while staring at mine and gally's hands "yeah I decided that this shank wouldn't be able to live without me plus he may be an idiot but hes my idiot so..." I said while Minho just smirked and newt just looked at me "something you wanna say Newtie?" I questioned becoming worried at the look on his face looking as if I had broken him out of a trance he opened his mouth and said "its just that ive gone all the time ive been up here thinking that I was missing something in my life then you came up and that gap seemed to have filled and then you say you're my sister I guess thats why I just don't want to see you get hurt again" he sighed after saying this then looked straight at gally "she may be giving you another chance but if you hurt her again I'm going to bloody kill you good that?" he said threatening gally slightly then a thought popped into my head "hey maybe good that could be our always" i said while smiling at gally as he just laughed and shook his head as newt and minho left the room also laughing. "hey I deffinitley mean it when I say I forgive you" I said as I took both of his hands into mine and stared him directly into his dazzling blue eyes "even when ive been a jerk?" he asked "even when youve been a jerk. good that?" I replied "good that" he murmured before leaning in to kiss me. " I love you May" he said when we finally pulled away "I love you too gally" I replied a never-ending smile growing on my face.


shout out to @pseudoartystycznosc for the good that line appreciate that

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