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About an hour later the box finally arrived and newt and will opened the box for Gally to jump down into. "Day one greenie rise and shine," Gally said while smirking at the boy.

Helping out of the box gally threw him to the floor and then came and stood behind me wrapping his arms around my waist "I don't trust him something feels off" Gally whispered into my ear before standing up straight as the greenie made a run for it "we've got ourself a runner" Zart shouted just before the greenie face planted the floor earning everyone to laugh at him including myself and gally before he stood up and looked at all of us his eyes landing on mine longer than the others causing gally to tighten his grip on me I finally got chance to study the boy and see what he looked like. He had slightly tanned skin with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He also had a mole on the left-hand side of his face close to his lips as I was studying him I felt a feeling run over me telling me I shouldn't trust him leaning up to gally i whispered in his ear "I don't know why but I feel like I shouldn't trust him Gal" turning the face him he grabbed my face between his hands "it's okay May just act civil so that nobody thinks anything up alright?" he said while I nodded "and what about you?" I questioned while he just smirked at me "what dear old me? I'm going to act like myself" he said leaning down to kiss me "so like an arsehole?" i questioned while smirking at him when we pulled away him replying with a nod "oi get back to work you lot" Alby shouted making us break away from each other to notice Will and Newt staring at us "no its okay love birds we'll leave you to it" they joked before Alby walked up to us "oi slintheads I said get back to work before I make ya give him the tour" he said glaring at us before we all walked off to our respected areas "well someone's cranky" I joked expecting Gally to laugh with me only for me to look up and see him glaring at the newbie "you gonna take him on later?" I questioned nudging him in the side so that he would pay attention "yeah maybe I'll knock some sense into him you can see alby's already done with him" he said still glaring holes into the poor boy but it was true Alby looked like he was going to kill the bloody lad.

Later that day I was walking with Gally to go meet up with Minho when we saw the greenie and chuck walking towards the walls that were about to close "HEY" we shouted as Gally pushed him away from the doors only making him stand up and go to attack him "hey hey hey calm down greenie we're just helping you" I said while standing in between him and Gally as we started to attract a crowd "trust me you dont want to go out there not now not when the doors are about to close" I contined while Gally moved me out of the way just in case the newbie tried anything "Doors what doors?" he questoned justas the walls made th ever so annoy grinding noise making him turn and watch them amazed while Alby leaned in and said "welcome to the glade" as we all walked off me dragging chuck off with me "I wasn't going to let him go in" he said while trying to get out my grip " I just gave him a few answers to his questions thats all" he said when I did let him go "just dont do it again alright"I said patting him on the cheek and walking away with Gally.

It was now night time and the bonfire was in full swing. I was walking around with Newt sipping on my drink when he took it off me and dragged me over to the greenie sitting down next to him with me on the other side of him "here have some of this it'll put some hairs on your chest" newt said while passing him the drink that he took off me "hey that was mine"I whined while he jabbed me in the side as the greenie took a sip and then spat it out "oh god what is that?" he questioned his face full of disgust "no idea Gally's recipe" Newt said while i finished his sentence "no one knows the recipe not even me" as he looked over at him while he was trying to push Will out of the circle "yeah well he's stilll an asshole" he said earning a chuckle from Newt and me to glare at him "oi watch it greenie that's my boyfriend you're talking about and only I can call him an arsehole" I said jabbing newt in the side as he was still laughing not taking my glare off the shank in front of me "alright then May go and get another drink i'm going to give this shank a tour of the gladers" Newt said while helping me stand up and pushing me towards the direction of Minho and Will who had just been shoved out of the circle and into the newbie which caused me to chuckle as i walked to them and took minho's drink "what do you say greenie all you've got to do is stay in the circle for more than 3 seconds" as he got pushed in only for Gally to push him back making him fall inot jeff's arms but he was still in the circle I just sat in my own world while Gally was taunting him till I heard him shout "my names thomas" even Gally went and shook his hand.

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