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"Wake up greenie." I heard as I felt someone shaking me trying to get me up. Opening my eyes I saw newt in front of my face. "Get up time for your tour," he said while signalling that I've got 5 minutes to get ready and meet him outside. Rushing to get dressed without waking Minho I then tiptoed down the creaky stairs and through the door, I tried to make sure that I didn't stand on anyone's hands or anything. After successfully making my way to newt he broke out into a jog towards the east door, following him and only just managing to keep up I gave him a confused look as to what we were doing. After a couple of minutes of silence, he moved a section of ivy and moved slightly out of the way so that I could see a small square of glass in the wall and he was just gazing out of it on a sort of daze. Finally moving away he dragged me into the spot he was previously in "just look through here one will be passing soon." not bothering to ask him what he was on about I did as he said then I saw it. A big slimy thing that was half animal half machine came whirling past but then stopped as if it knew someone was watching as if it knew what was beyond the walls. then mounting up onto its back legs it lunged at the window as if trying to get through, jumping back panting slightly newts face flickered with concern before he laughed" happens to every greenie" he said as he helped me up of the ground." what was that thing? I asked still panicking slightly "don't worry its a griever they only come out at night so unless your ever stuck in the maze your safe" he replied " well thank god I don't feel like running ever then"I replied which only got me a laugh in return " oh shut up you shank let's go eat." I huffed as I dragged him to go get some food off frypan as half the glade was up now. grabbing my plate of bacon and eggs I walked over to the table where Minho had just left to go to the wall and sat down next to gally with newt and Alby across from me. "so who you working with today M?" gally asked while shovelling eggs into his mouth. "well first that's disgusting and second why don't you ask the admiral over there." I finished with a look of disgust on my face as I pointed at Alby who playfully glared back at me " well shank now you've said that you can start out with the slicers im sure that Winston will love working with you." he sarcastically finished while everyone else laughed and I flipped him off. "how can you have an appetite anyway greenie? hasn't newt shown you the wall yet?" he asked while watching me shovel down my food. "yeah he has but ive learnt in the past god knows how long ive been here that I like food so creepy griever or not im eating." I replied with a shrug finishing my food as I went. "anyway doesn't someone have to give me the tour today?" I questioned with a sideways smile at Alby knowing that I was slowly getting on his nerves. "man your annoying for a girl, but yeah Gally you can take her on a tour right?" he sighed while giving Gally a death stare. "sure why not seems like im the only shank she likes so far." he gloated as I heard him say that a smirk formed on my face and I knew that I needed to annoy him somehow "actually galpal I think you'll find that frypans my favourite because of this delicious food that hes blessed us all with." I turned and faced him still holding the smirk so that he knew I was playing "oh really M, why don't you let frypan give you the tour instead then?" he smirked back and put on a fake pout "hmm well you see I would but I know it takes up most of the day and hes got to cook whereas your only a builder and well lets be honest you don't do that much anyway do you." i sniped back while high fiving newt who was again laughing at me and looked at alby who was pretending not to laugh. "okay you two go and start the tour before you have an argument over who the best is in here shall we." "yes, admiral alby" I sighed while saluting before dragging gally off to god knows where. 

Gallys POV

"alright slow down May you don't even know where your going." i said while laughing at her attempt to pull me. "well hows about instead of laughing you show me?" she answered back becoming impatient, while nodding at her and leading her towards the box I finally said "the tour starts at the box don't ask any questions till the end please"I said as I noticed the little cogs ticking in that beautiful head of hers 'wait what did I just say? nah I must be joking right?' I thought as I mentally shook my head and carried on. "we don't know much about the box only that it brings up one greenie a month and our supplies every two weeks. nodding her head we moved along " right next we've got the deadheads not much back there just a small graveyard, the animal bens and the barn where the slicers work, the map room, gardens and the homestead and slammer." I said pointing to each place "toilets and showers are behind the homestead you can have one later on just make sure you lock the door so that no one else walks in. any questions?" I asked when I had finally finished "yeah a few 1 why is there a graveyard and two have you ever tried staying in the box before it goes back down or climbing down after it." she asked "well the answer to your first one is people die from infections or from griever attacks and for the second one yes we've tried sending someone back down int he box but it doesn't move and yes we have tried that as well it didn't end well for the person that went down." I finished feeling sort of glum towards the end. "who went down?" she asked sympathetically noticing that it was a hard thing to talk about. " I don't really wanna talk about it May lets just say it was someone close to me, Alby, Minho, Newt and Fry ok?" I asked and she only nodded well looks like its lunch time now let's go get some food huh?" I asked trying to change the subject. looking up at her I noticed that her face lit up as soon as I said food, chuckling I let her drag me away to go queue up with the rest of the boys and find a table to sit at.

May's POV

after that talk with Gally the rest of the day was pretty uneventful I worked with Winston for the afternoon and its definitely good for me to say that I will not be a slicer, that definitely put me off eating for the night so after that I just headed off to the homestead where I stole one of Gally's shirts first, got change and went to bed.


ooh so the first hint towards Nick and the bonfire for her is going to happen in the next chapter. what do you think will happen there?

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