2- the gathering

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I've just realised that May never told them her name and because im a lazy writer can we all pretend that she told them when they got her out of the box? Cheers shanks

May's POV

The gathering took place in a room inside the homestead which was a leaning structure of wood and windows with a few people building what looked like more rooms onto the structure. Adding more rooms seeing as we get a greenie every month and need places for them to sleep she remembered newt telling her before they walked into the room. Absentmindedly staring around the room there wasn't that much in there, just enough chairs for the keepers a stand where Alby was stood and a chair behind him that newt directed me towards gesturing for me to sit down. "Right so we are here to begin the meeting about May the greenie, as you will have noticed by now May is the first girl to show up in the glade. Now we don't know if more girls are going to show up or if may is going to be the only one but until we find that out who votes that we treat her like every other shank in this place and make her go through the job process? Raise your hand now" as Alby said this everyone in the room raised there hand to agree that I should not be treated differently which I agree with 100 percent. "We will, however, be giving her one of the rooms in the homestead and because it is taking those dumb shanks ages to build more rooms she will be sharing with Minho as he is one of the only shanks I trust in this place and hes hardly his room so its the safest one for her to be in. Gally I would like you to build her a bed as soon as this meeting is finished does anyone have anything else to say?" he concluded with a nod from Minho a good that from who I guessed was gally and groaning from the other keeps asking why I will be staying with Minho. Looking around Alby gave one last nod to newt before walking out the room signalling that the meeting was over. Looking closely at Gally I took his appearance in and saw that he had short dirty blond hair and even sat down you could tell that he was tall and muscly damn id even say he was taller than newt and his face was screwed up into a few different emotions, curiosity, anger and something else I couldn't decipher but his whole facade made me want to get to know him and I don't know why something about him felt familiar but I couldn't place what it was. "Alright greenie enough gawking at Gally alright let's get you up to our room for sleepover number one, we can plait each other's hair, paint each other's nails and gossip about whos the hottest glader even though we all know it's me." Minho said as he walked over to me and pretending to flip his hair over his shoulder with newt chuckling at the side of him. "Yeah May you're definitely in good hands with Minho over here come on you shanks its dinner time. Wonder what frypans cooked up tonight." Newt said while dragging up both out of the homestead and over to where everyone was queuing up for food.

Sitting down with my plate of mash potatoes and meat I asked the question that had been in my head since the gathering "why does Gally always look so angry? Like since ive been here hes always looked like hes about to shucking punch, someone." I asked scrunching my face up in thought as I stared directly at newt and Minho, chuckling newt shook he head, I swear that's all he does. "Don't worry about Gally greenie he just doesn't like change he'll be fine in a few days especially since he will be spending the whole day with you," Minho said while shovelling a mouthful of potatoes into his mouth. "Good that although id prefer to not see you're mushed up food next time shank," I replied slightly disgusted while joining in newt who was sat there laughing at the whole thing. "I see your understanding the slang around here Greenie." I heard a gruff voice say as someone plopped down next to me. Turning my head sideways I saw that Gally had sat next to me. "Yeah spending the day with this one makes you catch on quickly," I said smiling while pointing towards Newt. Nodding his head he carried on by saying "You probably heard Alby say my name back in the gathering but im Gally." sticking his hand out for me to shake i accepted it and replied a simple May before going back to eating my food. After a while I got annoyed that it had gone quiet again. "Hey, gally have you finished with my bed yet?" I asked turning my head to the side. "Not yet greenie" he replied shaking his head "mind if I help you with it? I got anything else to do until the tour tomorrow plus im curious about you" I questioned as I took my food back to frypan and thanked him for the meal. Following my movements Gally stood next to me " sure greenie its right that way" he said pointing towards a corner of the glade where some builders were still tinkering about when a mischievous smirk pulled its way onto his face "however you will have to call me captain Gally." he said the smirk on his face still and knowing that he was just trying to mess with me i smirked back while putting my hand into a salute position "sure thing captain gally" I sad while walking over to the builder.

Gallys POV- shocker right

I stood there a little dumbfounded for a few minutes looking back at Minho and newt who just stared at me and laughed shaking my head while smiling I made my way over to where she was stood just smiling at me. "Alright shank let's get this bed assembled shall we," said while staring straight at her. Her grey eyes shining under the little bit of light that was left in the glade beaming as her nose twitched up slightly as she got excited about building a bed, man I don't think anyone has ever been that excited about being a builder and that includes me. Grabbing a piece of thin rope I noticed that she grabbed her sandy hair and tied it up into a ponytail with it settling between her shoulder blades as she picked up a plank of wood and started nailing it to another to start to create the frame, honestly she looked beautiful but I can't think that im gally the hard as stone builder and I can't turn soft for a girl its not going to happen. Shaking my head I moved to help her. "Come on slinthead you are the one that's supposed to be building this aren't you?" she questioned teasingly with a smirk on her face 'you can do this' i thought as I took the spare hammer off her and helped "since when did you start calling people a slinthead shank?" I questioned laughing slightly "since they didn't call me my name shuck face," she replied while playfully glaring at me. "Alright greenie if you help me do a good job on this bed ill call you by your name instead good that?" I asked "good that" she replied and we continued working in comfortable silence with smiles on our faces.

May's POV

Focusing on the task at hand every couple of minutes I would stare up at gally to see him still smiling, feeling like I had accomplished a very big thing the smile on my face grew as I noticed that we had finished building the bed. "Right captain Gally what do we do know?" I asked still holding the smile on my face "two of the builders will carry it up to yours and Minho's room." he replied while summoning them over and telling them where to take it "and May I think that you can stop calling me captain gally now." e said which made me feel like bursting out of happiness and excitement in front of him. "You said my name, you said my name, you said my name." I started shouting happily while hugging Gally and jumping up and down laughing he told me to calm down and lead me towards the homestead while telling me it was time to get to sleep. Walking up the stair of the homestead we kept knocking each other to see who would fall first up them and through a fit of giggles I managed to get a night gally out of my mouth which earned me a nod from him as I knocked on the door and entered. Seeing that Minho was already asleep i quietly and as discreetly as I could changed and laid down in my bed smiling to myself as I thought back on what had happened today before turning over and falling to sleep with one last thought running through my head 'if every day is like this then im going to enjoy it here' as darkness overtook my thoughts.

My Builder- Gally The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now