I sighed, how I wanted to tell her otherwise. How there Is no such thing as 'prince charming', that and not to put her all her trust and faith in one like I did when I was younger. But then I remembered how it had given me hope as a small child.... That's what this homesick child was clinging to, and who am I to take it away?

I gave her small shoulder a squeeze and looked up to Hans who was staring blankly at me, afraid of what I might say. "I know in my heart, Prince Hans is going try his very best." "Really?" Her face lit up with a bright smile. "You really think he will?" "Maybe, if you ask him nicely...." I shrugged.

She bolted quickly and ran to Hans. Wrapping her tiny arms around his legs in an embrace. His eyes went wide in surprise, and the whole crowd gasped. Unlike the sweet innocent little cherub that clung to him, they knew of what he had attempted to do my sister and I... Lets just say, despite the protection his troops offered, he wasn't thought of with fondness around here.

"Mister Prince?..." She mumbled into the legs of his pristine white trousers. His gaze softened, it was if I could literally feel his heart melting by the expression on his face... He reached down and, much to my surprise, scooped the peasant girl up into his arms, bringing her to his eye level.

"Yes little lady?" He smiled, one of those mind bending, earth shattering smiles he was capable of... A sight I thought I had long forgotten. "Are you going to make the bad men leave Arendale?" She asked, unfazed by the weight of the fact that the arrogant, self absorbed prince was holding her, a lowly peasant 'brat'.

"Like your good queen Anna has just said... I'm going to try." He nodded. I was flabbergasted at what I just heard. Good, Queen, and Anna, all in the same sentence... "But for you, little angel, I promise to try my hardest." He set her down and she ran off with the biggest grin on her small face, back to her mother.

Soon, it was time for me to walk back to my chambers. Pulling my cloak tighter around myself as we walked through the garden, passing several children who were having a snowball fight in the courtyard. A snowball came whizzing onto our path and stuck Hans in the stomach. "My humblest apologies your Grace.." called out one little boy fearfully, dropping to one knee. "You may have me whipped if you see fit sir." The boy, aged no older then 11, declared with a slight tremble. "You wished to be punished?" Laughed Hans, scooping up a handful of snow and packing it into a ball. "Very well then, start running." He chuckled and chased the boy, armed with the ball of white fluff, around the hedges of the garden. I sat down onto one of the marble benches, watching the scene.

Out of nowhere, a ball of cold snow hit me square in the face, knocking me backwards off of my seat. Hans stood up, solum faced from the snow barricade he was crouched behind. "I'm so.. SO sorry Anna!" He pleaded, hands up in surrender. The children stopped playing and had all gone silent, watching in fear of what the queen might do.

I rolled up onto my knees, and for the first time in months.... I, laughed. Real laughter, genuine and whole hearted. "Oh, you will be sorry!" I threatened playfully, grabbing a fist full of snow and tossing it at him.

For a few minutes: gone was pain, my hatred, and turmoil. For a few minutes, my only concern was pelting Hans with snowballs.

That evening, tucked safely into my bed, I dreamt of Kristoffs death. I had not witnessed it, but that only caused my mind to create different scenarios, and play them over and over again. Waking up drenched in sweat despite the inescapable cold of the land which the morning sun had not yet graced, I sobbed into my pillow. I needed Sven, I needed to wrap my arms around his burly, furry neck and hold on to the last thing I had from before the war.

Grabbing my cloak I crept down the stairs and into the stables. When I reached Sven's stall, I was horrified to find it empty. It looked like he had kicked the gate down and escaped. Searching for Kristoff no doubt, it wasn't the first time this had happened. Wrought with worry, without even thinking, I followed his snowy tracks into woods. I can't lose him too... I just can't. I refuse to!

"Anna!" A deep voice called out behind me after a while. "Anna what are you doing out here?!?" It was Hans, sitting atop his steed trotting up behind me. "Sven is missing, im looking for him. What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Shivering in the cold.

"Following you, you crazy woman, its freezing out here!" He cursed, sliding off his horse. He took off his thick white jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. "I don't need this." I tried to shrug it off, which only made him wrap it tighter. "Not a request." He stated.

"Move and you die!" A hard voice called from within the trees. I took in a jagged breath, as figures emerged from the darkness. I felt the tip of a blade being pressed against my back.
We were surrounded by Vikings.


-authors note- (geekpower1)
Hello my lovelies! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I love reading all your comments and can't wait to see what you guys think of this chapter. Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote!

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