♧ Chapter 20: 'Cuz Everybody's On Drugs♧

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"I'm sorry, for now there is nothing else I can do, especially because this happened out of school. But we will continue investigating and trying to come up with a solution. If anything happens let us now immediately. I shall also make some rules more clearer. Bullying will not be tolerate in my school, not as long as I am the hokage- principal."
"Thank you, Hiruzen-sama." Itachi said.
"You three can go now back to class."
"Yes, sir " we answered in unison.


During the next break Kurenai sensei came up to me and congratulated me for winning the poetry competition. I was very shocked but also happy. Now I can buy Sasuke a new T-shirt.

"Oh yeah, so after school we'll have the award ceremony where the top 10 best poems will be read out loud. It only take an hour or so. I hope that you have time."

"Yeah, sure." I smiled.

F>>>>U>>>>C>>>>>K.....did I just agreed to read my poem in front of people?? Who most likely hate me?????

"Can I die?" I muttered to myself

"Well you can but you may not." Sasuke answered out of the blue.

"What happened, dobe?"

"I kinda won the poem competition..."

"Congrats. I really wanna read your poem."

"But...I have to read it in front of people...at the award thingy...I am fucked."

"What's so bad about that?"

"I just..."

"Don't worry, I'll be right there in the front row to support you."


"Ofc...isn't that what friends do?"

I suddenly hugged him.

"I swear, you are the best!"

After that Gaara, me and Sasuke went on the rooftop. Sasuke suddenly stood up and said that he has something to do. I thought that he needs to go to the bathroom so I just nodded.

3rd Person POV:

Sasuke was walking through the school yard looking for someone when he was pulled behind the school.

The pink haired hair pulled him by his hand. He immediately took his hand away.

"I can walk by myself."

"Sasuke-kun I ... I have to tell you something."

"Perfect...you just made my task easier."

" You have to believe me. I wasn't the one who did that to Naruto. I promise. I would never do such a thing to my friends."

"If you don't shut up I'll seriously beat the crap out of you. Don't you dare call yourself his friend. And stop lying it's pathetic."

Sakura gave him the What-You-Would-Beat-A-Girl look.

"Oh please. Don't bring up that shit. I am a feminist and I believe in equal right for men and women so if I can beat a man, then why not a woman? This is the reason why girls like you are less of a human and more of a bitch. You just don't get a proper dose from time to time." (This is quoted from Akagi.) Sasuke replied emotionless.

"I don't even understand why you hang out with that shit."

"Because the person you call shit is my best friend and if you want to die keep badmouthing him."

"But Sasuke-kun I love you. I love you so much. I would do anything for you. So why do you believe that I would hurt your best friend?"

"Stop with that bullshit. It pisses me off. You are just an annoying fangirl. I give as many shits about your feelings as you give about Naruto's feelings...which in case you don't get it the answer is none."

Sakura eyes widen. Tears started rolling down her face. Suddenly Sakura kissed Sasuke. Sasuke immediately pushed her away.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?"

"Yes, I am crazy for you Sasuke-kun."

"If you love me so much then tell the truth about what you did to Naruto."

No answer.

"Uh I don't even know why I thought that I could talk to you."

As he was about to leave Sakura hugged him from behind. He just pushed her away and left.

"I will have you no matter what, Sasuke-kun" he muttered to herself. Then she turned around and went behind a three.

"Did you take the pictures, Sai?"

"Yes. I just sent them to you. What are you planning?"

"You'll see...just be patient. It's not the right moment, yet."


《 Every face wears a mask 》Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ