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{maps: fifth year}


Harry, Ron and Hermione were in the Gryffindor common room, sitting on the squashy armchairs by the roaring fire. Hermione was busy knitting a hat for the house elves to stumble upon, but Harry thought it looked more like a lump of yarn. He didn't say anything though, for Hermione had voiced her opinions enough on the matter already. Even Ron stayed quiet about it.

Besides, he and Ron were too busy to bother with it. They were trying to get through the huge pile of homework they had due for Monday. Harry kept telling himself throughout the week that he would get to all of the assignments, but always ended up in quidditch practice, or doing something else that occupied his time.

Tonight, Professor Sinistra wanted the fifth years in her class to meet at the astronomy tower at 11 pm to map out the constellations during that season. They had all groaned about it, even Hermione. She had said that could have been more time for her to knit clothes for the house elves. Harry and Ron rolled their eyes but didn't retort.

Harry set down his quill and sat back, examining the exactly one foot of parchment that he had written for Professor Flitwick on vanishing charms. He didn't think he'd done very good, but at least he was finished.

Hermione glanced at the parchment, "Is that the one for Flitwick?"

Harry didn't like her slightly disapproving look, but nodded. He knew she had done two feet, and that was with minuscule writing.

She went back to her knitting without commenting and he was glad. He checked to see how Ron was doing. He had only finished 10 inches so far. After he checked the time he sat back and relaxed for a bit, as they would have to leave for the astronomy tower in a couple minutes.

Dean, Seamus, and Neville stood up from across the common room and headed for the portrait hole. Ron quickly scribbled a conclusion that just made it to a foot, and then put it inside his bag. Harry put his stuff into his too, and quickly went up to the dorm to put his stuff back with Ron. Then they met Hermione outside of the portrait hole and set off, wearing cloaks to keep out the chilly night air.

When they finally got there, wheezing to catch their breaths, they sat down and listened to the instructions. Then they pulled out some parchment and quills, and set to work.

Harry looked up at the sky full of stars, each unique, though they looked similar because of the distance. He thought of how the Sun shone so brightly during the day that you couldn't even see the other stars. Just like how one person could be so beautiful that you don't even notice everyone else..

Thinking this, he started to draw. Later, once they'd all started to finish, some people stood up to hand in their finished work. Harry was almost done, and Ron and Hermione had just walked over to Professor Sinistra.

Suddenly, Draco's voice sounded from behind him. "Potter, what are you doing?" He sounded genuinely perplexed.

Harry snapped out of the state he'd been in since he'd started to draw. He looked down at his parchment.

"I.. um.. I'm drawing a map," he responded.

"But.." Draco replied, "that looks like you drew my eyes?"

Harry spoke without even thinking, "I often get lost in them."

Then he stood up and turned to face Draco. Draco's mouth was agape slightly. Harry cupped Draco's face gently, and brushed his finger underneath Draco's left eye. Then he pulled it away, smirked at him, and marched off to hand in his so called 'map'.

Draco stood in that spot for a full minute, his skin tingling where Harry had just touched it.

As Harry headed down the stairs of the tower, he wondered where he'd gotten that sudden burst of confidence. He didn't know, but he'd liked it. Draco hadn't seemed to mind either. Harry thought that he'd like to do something like that again soon, but maybe something having to do with his lips against Draco's?

Then he joined in on the conversation Ron and Hermione were having, and didn't think much of it again until he was dreaming that night.

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