the football player - part 2

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As Harry made his way to have lunch with Hermione he couldn't help but to think about Draco again. The damn boy was stuck in his head, like a favourite song, or perhaps an annoying song that you couldn't get to leave. Either way he was there, haunting Harry's thoughts with his piercing grey eyes, shining blonde hair, soft pink lips, tall frame, and that smirk. Harry remembered him saying he was his, and he shivered slightly. He knew he didn't have the right to say Harry was his, definitely not without his consent, and definitely not after meeting him just a few minutes before. Either way, Harry actually liked it. The thought of actually being his, and him being Harry's, was a good thought.

"Hey, you okay?" Hermione asked him, as they sat down at a table together.

He snapped out of his thoughts, and looked at her worried face. "Um, yeah, I'm good."

"You sure? You were pretty zoned out there."

He nodded, "Yep, totally fine."

Then he looked over to where Draco was sitting at table with other football players. He noticed Harry looking at him, and his eyes met Harry's. His signature smirk appeared, then he returned to his conversation with an attractive dark skinned boy.

"Woah, woah, woah," Harry heard Hermione say.

He turned to look at her, "What?"

"Was Draco Malfoy just smirking at you? What's that about?" She asked.

Harry shrugged, blushing. "Nothing really, we just had an encounter earlier."

Hermione looked surprised, "He's still flirting with you after an earlier encounter?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, I guess."

"Hmm. Draco is a flirt like I said earlier, but he only does it once with a person. After that, he's basically over them. He doesn't pursue people usually. What did he say to you earlier?"

Harry chuckled, "He said that I'm his now."

Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked over Harry's shoulder to look at Draco himself. "You must be special Harry. Draco doesn't say things like that to people, he usually just flirts and that's it."

"He also kissed me. A long, deep kiss."

Now Hermione was shocked. "Really? The entire time I've been at this school, which is since grade 9, Draco has never kissed anyone. He only flirts, like I said, and then he leaves. I don't know what's different about you Harry, but Draco saw something in you, I'm sure of it."

"So you don't think it's just a game?" He asked.

Hermione shook her head, "Nope, not at all."

Harry blushed at this newfound information, and turned to look at Draco again, smiling. The blond didn't look his way this time, as he was in a deep conversation with the same boy as earlier. Suddenly his friend looked over at Harry, a thoughtful look on his face. Then he said something to Draco, who nodded.

Harry turned away once more, wondering what they were talking about. Was Draco talking about him to his friend?

"Hello," a boy's voice said, and Harry looked up.

The boy, who looked to be a senior, sat next to Harry. He looked at Harry like he was a pice of meat to devour, and Harry shifted uncomfortably. He glanced over and saw that Hermione was glaring at the boy. He must not be a nice person, Harry concluded.

Harry nodded in acknowledgement, but only to be polite. The boy was just as tall as Harry, so Draco was taller. Though Harry wasn't sure why he was comparing them. He had tan skin, brown eyes, and light brown hair.

"I'm David," the boy said, smiling at Harry, but Harry didn't like the smile.

Harry nodded, and smiled weakly, "Harry."

"Harry," David said, testing it out. "Well Harry, I must say I haven't seen you before."

Suddenly Hermione cut in. "Oh, don't be bothered David, and just leave."

David looked at her, and raised an eyebrow. "What, is he taken? By you, perhaps?" Then he laughed.

"No, not by her, but he's taken by me."

Draco was standing there, glaring angrily at David.

David looked up at Draco, and laughed. "Sure, Malfoy. You don't date anyone, so I doubt you are now."

"I suggest you leave now, Paulson," Draco said to David, "Harry doesn't want you here, Hermione doesn't want you here, and I certainly don't want you here. Okay?"

David rolled his eyes and stood up, "Yeah, alright. See you later, Harry." Then he was gone.

A lot of people were staring at the scene, probably surprised at what Draco just did.

"Thanks," Harry said quietly, "that guy gives me bad vibes."

Then Draco grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria, and into a deserted hallway. "Look," Draco started, "I haven't felt this way before. Actually having feelings for someone like this, and wanting to protect them, and have them be mine. Only mine."

Harry smiled and kissed Draco, and pulled away.

"It's okay, I have feelings for you too."

Draco hugged Harry to his chest and whispered, "Mine. Mine. Mine only."

Harry pulled away and raised an eyebrow. "I find it unfair that you claimed me like some object. I have opinions you know, and we're not dating. I met you a few hours ago, so I am most definitely not yours."

Draco chuckled and smirked at Harry again. "What, would you like to be David's? Probably not."

"Doesn't mean I'm yours."

Draco glared at him, and then kissed him again. "Mine."

The smirk appeared once again, and then Draco left.

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