record XI: flashback: floresco liberation.

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  Nadia's lips quivered as she spoke about her past. Evangelique shivered.

  "On that same night, I was brought to be sacrificed in front of my village," started Nadia once more, her voice cracking slightly.

  "I was so afraid, so lost...I was sure I was to die," shuddered Nadia. I had lived a wasted life of no purpose, putting my trust in a lie. When my heart close to being harvested from my body, I thought about my end. Would I disappear into black? Would I burn in an eternal inferno?"

  The moonlight seeping from the frost lined windows caressed Nadia's hair like a mother comforting her child.

  "I thought about it so much; I started to cry. I wanted to be with the young man again. I wanted to be able to accept his faith. It was a hard life to live, but the young man knew where he was going when he was to die. I didn't. As I prepared to breathe my last, I prayed for liberation, and to my surprise, I was."

  Nadia smiled. There were traces of pain in her eyes, but the freedom she held in her heart showed that not even the past could stop her from being alive.

  "The young man had arrived just in time to stop the blade that loomed over me from touching my skin. He used all of his strength that night to save not only myself but other destined vessels. He fought against those who tried to hurt those who were innocent, yet never killed. And when the truth became exposed, a bloodless revolution came to be, and I became a free soul."

  Evangelique tried to take in all she had learned. Her mother had never told her about the history of the Hamadryads. She wondered why for a moment, but soon set it aside, for she knew it must've been painful to reminisce.

  "Evangelique," called Nadia.
  "Yes?" replied Eva.
  "I know this is a lot to take in, but there was a reason I told you all of this," spoke Nadia. "It has come to my attention that you are uncertain whether or not becoming a Lieutenant is a wise choice."

  Evangelique held her hands together. She felt cornered, and at a loss for words.

  "I come to you at my own will to tell you what an impact the work of a Lieutenant can do. The young boy who saved me and my people was a Lieutenant himself."

  Eva's eyes widened. A sixteen-year-old boy was a Lieutenant?

  "That young man started a revolution based on love," stated Nadia. "He never resolved to violence. He never abandoned me when I mocked him. He was a shy boy, but in Elohim's strength became fearless."

  The fire danced to the sound of Nadia's tranquil words. Truly, Nadia was freely alive.

  "I don't want to force a choice upon you," said Nadia. "Whatever you do decide, I will remain your sister and friend. But I tell you this--to be both a follower of Elohim and a Lieutenant isn't wrong. So whatever you do, whatever you choose, if it is your calling, hold onto that truth."
  Nadia and Ago walked in the snowy moonlight after taking Evangelique back home to the dormitory. The whisper of the silver stars echoed with the couple's steps through the compact cold.

  "What was it you two talked about this evening?" asked Ago.
  "Oh, nothing much..." replied Nadia with a sweet smile.
  "Oh, so you mean you talked about that thing," poked Ago, knowingly. He sighed. "You didn't tell her that it was me those twenty years ago, correct...?"
  "Of course not, dear. I know you like to keep that part of the story a secret."

  Nadia laughed softly to herself.

  "What is it?" asked Ago, confused.
  "'s just she's a bright girl," responded Nadia. "I'm sure she'll be able to figure out it was you just by the way I talked about you."

  "And what sort of way was that, exactly...?" Ago had become visibly worried.
  "Well, about how timid you were, gentle you were, kind you were..." stated Nadia. She stopped walking for a moment.
  "And how you never left me, no matter how undeserving I was."

  Ago turned red as a soft smile grew on his face. He took Nadia's hand and kissed it softly.

  "No one is deserving of kindness," answered Ago in a whisper. "But as I have been freely given it, I should always freely give it."

  He drew closer to his beloved wife and kissed her deeply, just like he had the first time he held her close and kissed her.

  "I'm just happy that of all the people in the world at that time, you're the one who I got to treat with kindness and can now forever cherish."


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