"Not got your sister's kid today?"

"No, not today. Amy is picking her up" I mutter and Whitney grits her teeth and pulls a face.

"I'm sensing bad blood"

"No. I just worry about her that's all, she's only 19-" I stop talking when Whitney starts to laugh. "What are you laughing at?"

"Well i was onto my second child by the time i was your sister's age"

I shrug my shoulders. She does have a point but i cant help but worry about my little sister even though she is doing very well at the minute. Since Johnny left her for someone else she has gave her head a good shake and realised what is important in life. Cheryl and i stuck to our promise and found her a nice little flat that she moved into with Hailie last month and she seems quite happy there. The flat is in a nice area and her neighbours are friendly, normal and she has already made friends with a couple of them that have children the same age as Hailie. I don't see Hailie half as much as i used to and i know that is a good thing because it means that she is with her Mum but i really do miss her so i am looking forward to seeing her tonight when Amy comes over. 

Our conversation is interrupted when the class doors open and Junie throws himself onto the wet ground and starts to scream. He has been as good as gold until he spotted Paisley and Lilly coming out of their classroom with sweets in their hands. "I want sweets too!" He screams while his feet kick at the tarmac.

Not in the slightest bit embarrassed but well and truly at the end of her tether Whitney yanks him up by his arm and he tries to pull it out of her grasp but it is no good. "Well maybe you would have gotten sweets too if you'd have gone into school this morning like i had told you to instead of being a little shit. You're 6 not 2 years old so stop acting like a baby."

"I'm not a fucking baby!" He screams at her, his language turning the heads of all the other parents and their children. When Whitney shouts back at him with language just as bad as his everyone realises that the child is only a product of his environment and mimics what he sees.

"I'm getting sick of you showing me up in public, Junie, very fucking sick. I aint putting up with it anymore so get your arse up right now otherwise i'm going to leave you here on your own"

Leaving Whitney to deal with her son now trying to snatch the last of Lilly's sweets from her hand i give my own child a hug but she is not her usual chirpy self. "Did you have nice day?"

"Yeah but Miss Miller wants to talk to you"

"Do you know what it's about?" i ask her but she shrugs her shoulders and runs over to the climbing frame with Lilly. Getting anything important out of Paisley is like getting blood from a stone. Once Junie has composed himself Whitney takes Alaina from me and sits her in the pram her baby is asleep in. She sits her by his feet and i cringe, hoping my toddler wont accidentally sit on him. "Watch his little legs-"

"He's fine Kim, just go and see what Miss Battleaxe wants before she comes over here"

I am a bundle of nerves as i take a seat in Paisley's classroom. This is not the first time i have been called in and i doubt it will be my last. I look at all of the paintings on the wall and one catches my eye because i can tell that it is Paisley's without even reading the name tag underneath it.

"So what has she done now? "I ask Paisley's teacher when she sits herself down in front of me. The headteacher is being called in to talk to me too and and that worries me. When Paisley first started this school her behaviour was spot on but now it has started to go downhill again. In the last couple of weeks i have been called in 5 times and Paisley just thinks that it is funny.

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now