Art, Pasta, and Love

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-Italy's point of view-

"I think we should stop now for lunch."

I got up from my chair and started to walk out of the room with my two best friends. When I looked back I noticed that there was still one person who hadn't moved.


I looked up to Germany and told him, "I forgot something in the room. I'll catch up later. Ve~"

Germany nodded and continued walking with Japan, leaving me alone with Russia.

It's kinda scary being alone in a room with Mister Russia.

I forgot about my fear and walked up to him to try and start a conversation.

"Ve~ Russia what are you doing?"

Mio Dio*1, that was stupid. I know what he's doing. That wasn't what I was supposed to say.

Thankfully he didn't mind and responded to me. "I'm just thinking."

Russia looked around the room. I don't think he realized that it was time for a break.

"Hey, Italy where is everyone?" Russia asked, confirming my suspicions.

"They left to get lunch," I told him. "Germany told us that we should stop and get lunch right after America told us that the entry wasn't relevant."

Russia sighed and did something weird with his face. I think he was smiling.

"благодарю вас*2." Russia said. I'm not sure what it meant but it seemed like he was thanking me.

I smiled at him, "Your welcome."

I must have been right about what he said because he just got up and left. I'm just happy I didn't mess up, again.

After Russia was out of sight I skipped to the dining hall so I could grab some spaghetti.

When I finally reached the dining hall everyone was already seated. Big brother France and England were sitting together with Canada and America. Further down at the same table Russia, and China were silently eating their food together.

A few tables away Spain, Mio Fratello, and Prussia were sitting down talking about all the things they might be missing right now.

Then Germany and Japan were sitting together at a table close to the window. It looked like they weren't really talking. Japan was drawing something, and it looked like Germany was doing work, like always.

I went over to the kitchen and grabbed my pasta, before going over to sit with Japan and Germany.

"Ve~ did you miss me Germany?" I asked trying to alert them that I was there.

Germany sighed and responded without looking at me, "Ja, I missed you."

I smiled and started to eat my pasta, which was delicious.

We sat there for a while like that until Japan spoke up. "Hey, Itary-san. Wirr you prease come rook at my drawing? (Will you please come look at my drawing.)

I nodded and jumped up.

When I got to Japan's side of the table he gave me his drawing pad. On it was a pencil landscape of what Japan saw from the window.

There was a giant tree in the front of the picture, and behind it, there was an empty yard. Around the edges of the yard, there were rose bushes which were in front of a tall black fence. The drawing was very darkly shaded, and the sky was cloudy, unlike outside. The last thing I noticed was that the tree in front of the picture was a sakura tree that had no petals or leaves.

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