Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Okay, did no one else find that a little...what's the word? Weird?" Raven sassed. "Just disappearing like that all of a sudden? Surely, there must be more she could have done while she was here."

"There was nothing she could do," Rue defended. "She didn't know what she was being summoned to do."

"Plus, she did say that she needs to be summoned in three days' time, which is-" Aaric looked down at his watch "-seventy-one hours and fifty-seven minutes. Let's just enjoy the time while we can and summon her when it's time. I see no reason not to believe her at the moment."

'Well, I should head back to my own dimension. I've been here for a while now. I don't need the high council to yell at me for leaving my cell. Who knows how much longer they would drag out my sentence. Time is far different there than it is here,' Azalea commented.

"I'll open the portal for you, bad is it going to hurt this time?" Anton questioned.

'Probably just as much as last time.'

He sighed. "Great."

This time, when he stood before the mirror with Azalea staring right at him, Aaric was in the room with him. "How about after this, we try having a date?"

"With Azalea around?" Anton snorted. "Good luck not hearing any judgement."

"How can I listen to a conversation that I am forced to be a part of and not make any commentary?"

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered. Dragging the blade across the mirror, Azalea climbed out of Anton's mouth and back into her dimension.

Everything seemed to shift, moving slowly as though she was on drugs in a TV show. Shaking her head, she inspected her surroundings. Her whole prison was destroyed, as though it had been ransacked. There was no way it could have happened, as she had only been gone for a few minutes.

Yet without her there to seal her cell, it unlocked, allowing whatever caused the ear-piercing shrieks outside her prison to flood into her cell. The handle on the door to her world began to wiggle. Though she attempted to seal the doors, it was clear that whatever was there would surely find its way through.

Eyeing her books on the shelf, she flicked her fingers in its directions setting them ablaze as well as cracking every mirror in her cell. Running outside to the dock surrounded by water, she cried out to Anton before jumping into the water.

The mirror was dark. There was no way to see a reflection. It was just a piece of black wood. "Well, that's new," Anton pondered.

"Do you think it's going to be a problem?"

"I doubt it," he brushed off. "It's probably some sort of containment spell to allow us some time to ourselves, allowing us to enjoy out little date."

Aaric smirked. "Oh, so you are interested?"

"Pfft," Anton scoffed. "No shit," he teased. "I've been waiting for one since the moment I laid my eyes on you."

"Really?" Aaric questioned, a blush beginning to creep up on his lips.

Anton blushed as well, nodding slowly. "I am a werewolf, you know? I have feelings for you as well. I feel the mate pull...I just have to be careful, because, you know, the whole thing with Azalea." He smiled wide, covering his face with his hands. "I just can't believe it. In three days' time, I will officially be unlatched from her. We're finally going to be able to mate."

"I've been dreaming of this day for a long time," Aaric stated. Sitting down at the table, he grabbed Anton's hand and led him over to straddle his lap. "To hold you and nuzzle your neck. To call you mine and mark you right here," he murmured as he trailed the soft spot within Anton's shoulder blade, "and mate with you, making you mine."

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