ll forever more ll

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3rd pov

As sans and y/n entered his house, they were welcomed with the darkness that enveloped the home seconds ago.

He walked in holding y/n bridal style taking off his  converse swiftly using the front of his feet to kick of the item that covered his bones. As he continued to walk further into the home he placed y/n on a near by couch to allow her to rest in a comfortable place to regain her conscience. Glancing down at the limp female that occupied his couch he shed a single tear and began moving towards  the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen he noticed a note that looked to be written by Undyne.

"While we went out clubbing paps got piss drunk so he is currently at my house while mettaton speaks dodgy auto correct saying who knows what. Anyway he most likely won't be back until sometime tomorrow but her is a photo of our mess ^_^"

Looking down in the left corner of the note he was sure enough to find a Polaroid stapled to the paper.

It showed a picture of a slightly visible nabstablook laying on the floor while a highly concerned mettaton could be seen in obvious distress mid way through waving her hands most likely about paps. There was also an unconscious paps wearing disheveled clothing laced with stain of who know what, but to top it all off Undyne stood in the left hand corner of the photo smiling with her thumb up.

Looking down at the photo sans let a slight chortle escape his mouth thinking of what must be happening as of now.

Letting the newly found information of his brothers state settle in, sans started making a packet of off brand noodles.

Letting the water run into the pot and turning on the heat. He waited until the pot was filled a moderate amount and than placed the uneven block of noodles into the pan that sat atop the stove.

Sans POV

As I watch my noodles cook the only thing that occupied my mind was is y/n. What if I had just listened to her? Would she be out of harms way?

God my mind is a mess because of that petty bitch.

But either way hopefully she's fine. I've gotten so used to having her around to have her gone so soon. Specially before I even get to tell her how much I love her and want to stay with her for as long as forever may be.

Shooting my eyes in the direction of the couch I see I small stir coming from my one and only. It was small but enough to make me release a breath I was unaware of holding. A small stir that told me she's finally regained her conscience.

Releasing a minute sigh I drain my noodles and place them into a bowl I had previously placed on the bench.

Walking over to her a small smile coats my face know she's still alive.

Her face had regained colour and started to release its signature glow. A glow I would trade everything for.

Her body continued to stir letting out a few groans of pain in the process. Watching from the side I let her do what her body deemed necessary giving glances of concern every once in a while when a groan was released.

After a few minutes of stirs and gross y/n had finally sat up and leaned against the back of the leather black couch.

"I'm surprised you woke up before furries became cool" I laughed as I enveloped her into a hug.

She she grinned against the crook of my neck letting out an airy laugh.

"Anyway I have something important to say..."

I paused waiting for her attention to be on me and me along

"What happened shouldn't of happened. I should of just listened to you in the first place and all of this wouldn't of happened, you would be unharmed and still a cheery little shit instead of half unconscious on the couch. But anyway let's put that aside. Today has made me realise that even the thought of losing you is enough to break me. And to lose you without you knowing you much you mean to me in something I never want to happen. So right here and now I want you to know that you are so fucking important to me it isn't funny. Your smile brings me so much joy whether your giving me a shit eating grin over a bet you've won or even a genuine smile caused by the simple things it life, it just brings me a joy that can't be put into words. So before something that could possibly end you happens again I want you to be mine. Not just as in boy friend girl friend mine but forever mine."

Getting down onto one knee I crouch down before her taking out a box I've kept with me for awhile now for when I thought the situation was right.

The box contained a golden ring that had a thin swirl created by miniature diamonds.

Holding this box wide open I continued on with what I was saying.

"So will you be mine not just for now but for now and forever as my one and only?"

"Of course I will"


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