The mall pt2

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Y/n POV ~

"Why don't we head to {your favourite shop}"
"Why not sounds like fun" he smirked slowly turning back to his normal shade.
You guys wondered the store for a little more than an hour until he asked. " so out of all addresses why did you chose mine?" He asked almost bursting to know. " well a little while ago I used to live quite close to the house and have always wanted to move in there. But back than our finance situation wasn't the best so I moved to my current home. So when I was writing the first place that came to mind was that place. Your place." I felt embarrassed telling him but in the end he did ask. He let out a small sigh " don't worry there is no need to be embarrassed. If it makes you feel any better before I came from the underground I lived in a small house in Snowdin with my brother and you could say it wasn't the best place to live." He said. I gave him a look of thank you for understanding and noticed his faint shade of purple started to paint his face again.
" well we should get some food or we are going to starve."
Sans nodded and off we went to the food court
"Wow there is so much food here" his mouth almost to the point of drooling 🤤
" well I call this a curse since I can NEVER choose what to eat in these types of places" I pouted
"Well if it's to hard to choose wanna go to grillbys?"
"Sure why not" I smiled

We left the mall and started our journey to reach grillbys
:time skip to when you arrive and sit down:

" I will have my usual thanks. What about you Y/n ?"

" oh I will uhmm have a p-plate of f-f-fries please" I said with a noticeable stutter.
Grillby wrote down our order and left us.
" wow I didn't realise grillbys is a strip club." I said trying to break the silence.
" well back in the underground all monsters wanted was sex, so grillbys was the go to place to pick someone up. Even though we are free now he still continues his work up here as a strip club service." Sans explained.

Sans POV ~

We talked for what seemed like hours. Her personality was amazing and the way she look just damn I could stare at her for hours. But I should probably hear back to reality because if I let my thoughts run a little 'wild' stuff could go down one way or another.
" I best get going or my brother will start to worry. But we should catch up again sometime soon. How about we exchange numbers and cya sometime next week?" My face slowly started glowing a faint purple again.
" sure why not. My number is { insert number }. Feel free to call anytime." Y/n gave me a smirk as we exchanged numbers.

Hey guys I know it has been such a long time since I last updated BUT I am trying. You guys should feel special though I chose this over homework which is due soon 😅 but anyway have a good day my lusties

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