ll thank you ❤️ ll

1.6K 36 14

Honestly I am I lost for words just thank you 😭
Like I have no idea how to put this into words but thank you. When I first saw this get 50 views I absolutely freaked it like I was shook to see that even 1 person would read this yet here I am with over 35k view just WOW.

Plus the support I've gotten from you guys over this past year and a bit has been crazy and I just want to say a huge thank you to those who have read this far, commented, shared, knew this existed idk but just thank you so much.

I'll probably repeat this a lot but words cannot describe the feelings I've gotten from not only writing this but from you guys it just god.....

But anyway kudos to those of you that have stuck around since the first chapter and made it hear you've done well. I wish everyone well and I hope that you realise you are an amazing individual that is loved and is about as unique as they come. If anyone wishes to tell you otherwise just tell them to fuck themselves cuz well I mean no one else is-

Ok now I'm just pulling at useless stuff so I'm going to leave this here

Thank you for all your love and support over the year. You've really made my experience in this community something I will never forget. So always remember eat ass smoke grass and live as someone you wish to be because life is short and unfortunately you only get one ❤️


Underlust sans x reader ( some lemons 🍋)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora