ll I would compare you to trash but that would be a compliment ll

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Sans POV

The grin she gave was enough to send spears through my soul. Each stop she took sent a shockwave of an indescribable fear.

Seeing y/n unconscious body in the corner of the room caused my heart immense pain. Her almost lifeless body just laying there as if it was worth nothing. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. Not even that I was just about sure it fell through the floor.

As I snap out of my thoughts filled to the brim with what I once thought was the impossible was now facing the reality in front of me. Ellie is now someone I thought she left behind long ago.

Her eyes were no longer a vibrant blue but were a deep, blood red. At this point her remaining soul no longer existed. Her breathing was heavy and deep.

She was no longer half way across the room. As she stepped closer, she manically laughed louder and louder.

I was desperately filled with the urge to fight back but my body no longer knew how to work. My eye glowed it's vibrate purple as I made a desperate attempt to take control of my uncooperative body.

I was running out of time.

If I didn't act now it's over.

It's really over.

Her laughter filling the room created an ever darkening atmosphere.

In the few minutes she spent stalling around
y/n's body, she finally arrive in front of me no further than 30cm.

"Oh sansy I'm sorry I had to break your little toy~" she chimed as if she did me a favour.

"She was just soooo annoying" she slurred as she slowly grabbed for the knife she kept close by.

I couldn't pull myself together enough to make a complete sentence. I was bottled with many emotions screaming about fucking around with MY Y/N. Yet I couldn't get out one word.

She leaned in closer and whispered harshly into my ear leaving a harsh trail of alcohol on her words "maybe if it weren't for you, your little y/n wouldn't be in this position. Sitting on the verge of life or death."

As the words left her mouth it was as if time slowed down each word lingering in the air.

If it weren't for you......

Underlust sans x reader ( some lemons 🍋)Where stories live. Discover now