Chapter Tweny-One

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Let Me Go!

-Madara's P.o.v-

Instead of going to get the three tails as we were supposed to we instead went back to the hideout because Deidara wasted too much chakra apparently, so finally we got back to the hideout and I went straight to Pein's office to see if he had known anything for the past three years of Mina being alive, when getting through the door I slammed it behind me; Pein didn't even look up and knew I was the one in the room with him.

“I see you're back Madara...”

He paused writing on something then looked up to me,

“Mina's alive, isn't she?”

the brat asked which kinda angered me more because it was obvious that he knew something about it that I didn't.

“And pre-tell how you know this?”

He just brushed off what I said with a 'it's not important' and began to explain that Mina has been training with her so called auntie which turned out to be the white figure I saw that day, after taking everything in I turned more irritated. I guess it was partly my fault that Mina left that die but she didn't have to fake her death so that I was put in depression for the past three years, I mean for Jashin's sake! I love the girl and when she goes and does something like this it will sure as hell provoke me a little. As I was about to talk I heard the rock entrance open and some yelling was heard throughout the hideout,

“Would you shut the f*ck up? You stupid ignorant b@#&^!”

Turned out to be Hidan's annoying voice.

“How about you stop thinking with your f&^#@*$ tic tac you call a dick!”

Nostalgia warped over me, it was her voice but what was she doing back here?

-Mina's P.o.v-

With my hands bound I couldn't do anything to stop the stupid perverted Jashinist from carrying me, really I would rather have the money making immortal carrying me,

“I swear to Jashin himself, stop touching me you damn pervert!”

I yelled in his ear.

“Shut up and take it b@#*£.”

I had enough of him touching me and said in a very dreary voice,

“If you don't stop touching me in the next five seconds I'll put you in a coma...”

He just chuckled at my threat thinking I couldn't do crap to him, within a few seconds I leaned up from his shoulder and head-butted him into the nearest wall which cause him to fall unconscious and let me go, as I fell back I waited for the impact of the floor but instead I felt two arms catch me. Looking to my saviour of my butt I saw the dreaded orange mask.

“Tobi take her to Leader.”

I growled while looking over to the block head,

“B*stard! I'll burn your fricken' money if I ever see it!”

With a chuckle he left. For a moment Madara and I stood there in silence until Kakuzu was out of sight, suddenly I was being dragged towards Pein's office, my wrists felt as if they were getting ut off by each passing second.

“Oww! Can you at least cut off these damn ropes, old man?”

He growled but said nothing to me, I felt a little hurt.

“Oh...Silent treatment, huh? You don't like me? I feel so unloved!”

My tone was in a hurtful way and yet Madara stayed silent, I will admit he was a hard nut to crack, but instead of staying silent I had wished to see how far I could push him.

“It feels like I'm talking to an old wrinkled wall here, so say som-”

At that point the air was pushed out of my lungs as Madara trapped me against the wall glaring at me with his mask off surprisingly, which made me wonder as to how he took off his mask so quickly.

“Wow, even after three long still don't get the 'It's rude to stare' lesson. Shows how much you changed.”

His glare and grip got worse as I smirked, I wanted to wince in pain but stayed strong against his glare.

“I gave you enough warnings Mina...”

His face caused my smirk to widen but then he went rather confused,

“And what are you going to do? Huh? Ma-da-ra.”

I could see the shivers that travelled down his spine from the way I said his name, he shook it off quickly though and began to drag me through the halls again, without me noticing again he had his mask on. Finally we entered Pein's office,

“Hey Pierced pig!”

Pein glared at the name I gave him.

“If it isn't the little annoying one.”

For some reason Madara gave a smirk from what I could sense beneath his mask, I just gave Pein an annoying smile.

“So as to why am I here?”

I asked innocently,

“We could ask you the same thing.”

Madara muttered to me, I could tell that he was still sore about the whole fake death thing, I mean who wouldn't be?

“Well, I'm here because Kakuzu and Hidan wanted my auntie because she apparently has a bounty on her head and it's a pretty high one which is why they went after her and also Kakuzu said something about my clan's necklace that fetches a high price in the right market. And I think they killed my auntie...”

Pein nodded slowly taking all the new information in,

“Wait, but your clan's dead.”

Madara said in a flat tone. I just nodded to that,

“Yes, all of my clan were exterminated except for my auntie and myself...she wanted to cure my heart disease but-”

“She had died and found no cure?”

I nodded to Pein, my auntie had told me that in a couple of months of so I wouldn't have to worry any more since she was very close to finding a cure. Madara cut the ropes that bound my wrists,

“I will sort her out.”

Madara stated while dragging me out, Pein didn't say a word because of how intimidating Madara had sounded,

What could he possibly want now.

Was my thoughts as he hurried through the endless hallways.

My One And Only // Madara love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum