Chapter Ten

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-Mina's P.O.V-

Konan's words seemed to put me on edge as I walked, to the point where I held my arms, giving myself a comforting hug.
As I passed by a door, I heard a whimper, like a dog whimper. Raising an eyebrow, I leaned against the door, pressing my ear against it, a few scuffles growls later, a human hiss was heard, well I assumed a hiss, since all I took note of was 'F*ck you.' straight after. I then realised that the voice was 'Tobi'. And to this I wanted to continue on my way, however the door opened faster than I could react and I nearly went face first into the floor for the second time, if it weren't for Tobi's(surprisingly soft yet firm) chest. 

I quickly scuttled away from him, holding my arms closer to myself. 
"I wasn't eavesdropping!" I defended, even though that was precisely what I was doing and he didn't even accuse of it, making myself look even more guilty than I was. 
"Uhuh... and you expect me to believe that, why?" He asked, crossing his arms leaning against the door frame in a cool manner, he was even comfortable enough to not use his 'Tobi' voice. 
"Well, I was just passing by, and heard a whimper." I said, taking some pride that I wasn't an eavesdropper, even though that was very much what I was. 
"Then why not just knock, and come in to find out?" He asked, but the way it was asked, made me think there was something sinister behind the mask as of that moment, like he was smirking and daring me to take the bait. 

Now I am a smart person, however if I'm dared I will do just the complete opposite to what a smart person would do. 

"Let me see it." Was all I said, 'Tobi' was taken aback slightly, he was probably expecting me to flat out reject his theoretical proposal, he rolled his shoulders and pushed himself off the door frame, stepping aside enough to make room for my small frame to slip through. 
I shrugged and went in, what was I going to lose? My dignity?

The door closed behind me(whoa déjà vu), my eyes adjusted to the darkness, when I noticed a small cage in front of me. 
I tilted my head at it slightly, before seeing a shadow within the cage move. 
"Mina? You're safe?" I heard a familiar voice, and in that moment, I've never known myself to be in such a panicked state, I was desperate to open that cage. 
After a second, I managed to open the cage and was tackled by the shadow within the cage. 
All I felt was the licking sensation all over my face,
"Ukim!" I giggled out, but that didn't stop her, she must have been as happy as I was to see her safe and sound. 

Momentarily, I had forgotten 'Tobi' was even there, and when I did remember, I sprung up to my feet with Ukim in my arms. 
"You brought her here...?" I asked him, he seemed to give a small nod. 
"You seem quite fond of her." He stated, my grip slightly tightened around Ukim, causing 'Tobi' to chuckle. 
"Didn't your parents ever tell you to not reveal what is precious to you to those who can harm it?" He asked, I could feel a snort come from Ukim, like she was saying 'Try it'. I on the other hand was a quick thinker, but not quick enough to stop my mouth. 
"I'm curious, if I were to find you precious, would you harm yourself?" 


Honestly, to say I wanted to die then is an understatement. 
"That came out wrong..." I started, but honestly, I could taste how entitled that orange swirl felt. 
"What I meant was-" 
"You like me?" The tone of his voice, was one of mocking and one I wanted to punch him in his stupid face for. 
"Never in a million years, dude, the whole mysterious thing, is really not my type." I stated, but that didn't stop 'Tobi' at all. "What if it could be your type?"
His tone went from mocking to clearly suggestive, and not just any type of suggestive. I stepped back slightly, due to surprise mainly, but with a dash of fear. 
Ukim seemed to have had enough of the conversation and growled out to him, 
"Touch her and you'll die." And to this day has Ukim never sounded that threatening, even if 'Tobi' couldn't understand her, he also seemed surprised at Ukim's presence.
It was then that 'Tobi' awkwardly cleared his throat, gaining his usual persona back. 
"Down the hallway, take a right, last door on the left." Was all he said before opening the door once more, I quickly took the hint and jogged out of there, Ukim constantly growling at him as I passed and went down the hallway. I followed his instructions blindly and came to the door, at this point I put Ukim on the floor, she had her guard up keeping an eye from where we came, like she was expecting 'Tobi' to follow, however he didn't. 

I opened the door, cautiously, only to find it was a bedroom. Ukim was the first to venture in, sniffing the room over before approving it for my safety. 
After we were in private, I literally collapsed in the nearby cot, even though the day's events weren't far from the usual, I felt absolutely exhausted. 
However it didn't just end there, Ukim was quick to question me about what happened after we got separated, I filled in the blank on my hand and she filled in hers. 
"So he just showed up while you were searching and captured you?" I asked and she nodded in response. I pursed my lips thinking for a moment, when Konan's words began to swim through my head. 
"Ukim, one of the members had said to me that I'll be found out... and that I won't find any information here." I expressed my worries and she seemed to sigh slightly, mulling over her words carefully before speaking. 
"Mina, I'm not sure what will happen... but if one member knows, then so does the leader, I would assume..." She said dejectedly, I looked down at my hands that were placed in my laps. I didn't like the unknown, it struck a fear in my heart, if they knew are they just toying with me? Will they just kill me after they've grown bored? All these questions whizzed around my head.
I felt a small paw on my hand, causing me to look into the eyes of Ukim, the sudden comfort I felt within her brown eyes, would match that of a parental figure, like she was silently saying to me that everything was going to be fine, and work itself out with little to no problems. 
I took a deep breath and nodded, understanding her within an instant. 
"Sleep, Mina, you've had a long day." Ukim said softly while nudging my hand with her nose. The exhaustion caught up with me again, my eyelids felt extremely heavy, without realising, my body moved on its own to the cot, wrapping myself up in the blanket, leaving my eyes to close slowly. 
"I'll be here when you awaken." Was the last words I heard from Ukim before my deep slumber took hold of me. 

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