Chapter Two

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-Mina's P.o.v-

What felt like myself awakening was really my unconscious mind's dark caven.

Everywhere I looked, blank. Nothing, just a dark aybss with me all on my own. It was my very own nightmare.

However, a pitter patter of paws was heard behind me, making me whirl round to the sound.

I was met by the red eyes that belonged to a snow white female wolf, but never-the-less I still jumped away from it.

"Calm down. My name is Ukim, I shall be accompanying you within your world." The wolf spoke in such a calm and soothing voice, like one of a mother's voice. But I knew it had not been my mother, as I was not born from a wolf. 

It then occured to me that the wolf had spoken to me - which didn't settle well in my brain.

"A wolf is talking...well Mina...You've finally lost it, may I have a coconut for my prize?" Ukim studied me with no surprise, she just rolled her eyes at my question.

"And to think this is what you have grown into Mina..." She commented.

At that point, I had sat on the floor, legs crossed and watching this wolf with suspicion.

"How in the hell do you know me?" I asked cautiously. 

"I've known you for your whole life." Ukim replied swiftly and quickly. 

I was hesitant, whether to believe the wolf or not was my mystery, but since I was within my dreams, I knew this would all be possible. "So what your saying stalk me?"

Ukim had been rather displeased with my remark and rebel attitude, and decided to swat me with her tail; in other words, I had a full taste of her soft tail - which was not nice.

"I was only joking!" My words didn't come out properly as I was getting all the fur out of my mouth. 

Ukim muttered her sorry before returning to her now stuck up self.

"Mina, listen carefully because I will only say this once...When you see me in your world I will be only a little wolf cub, got it?"

I gave her a salute while shouting a 'Yes ma'am' at this Ukim chuckled.

"We will part here. I will see you soon."

After saying this everthing dissappeared as my eyes opened to the reality, my breath returned to normal and I could feel the nubs from oxygen tubes on my nose.

On the first glance around, I noticed the room was a blinding colours as the sun shined through. I could see the sky thankfully and measure it to be about midday maybe more before leaning up removing the oxygen tubes from my face. 

And yet again I was alone.

"No one's around...Lonely, I am so lonely, I hav-" My amazing singing was interrupted by the rude nurse that intruded into the room, she looked up from a board and looked rather shocked like she had just seen a ghost. 

"You're awake!" The nurse said in a surprised manner.

Which confused me so, after her moment she quickly ran out saying that she needed to inform someone I was finally awake. 

It made me wonder, how long had I been unconscious for?

The same nurse returned with two people in tow, one being the first I noticed as she possibly had the most GIANT jugs I had ever seenand blond hair. The other person was a girl no older than twelve and her hair was a bright lovely Sakura pink.

After glancing at what I thought was my chart, the women with blind hair started to question. "How are you feeling?" She asked in a mood that spoke for itself 'Mess with me and you die' kind of way.

I shifted very uncomfotably under her strong-willed gaze.

"Feeling much better than before...Am I in Konoha hospital?"

The pinkette immediantly nodded. "You've been here for almost four days now..." She informed me.

I was surprised that I had been in this place for almost four days. 

The blond woman continued to read my chart while the pinkette watched her, making it utterly silent between us all.

"So...who exactly are you guys? You're obviously not doctors..." I inquired while stating the obvious. 

The woman paused and looked to me, some would say she looked shocked and others, displeased. My betting was on the latter.

"I am the fifth Hokage, Tsunade."

And within moments I felt rather embarrassed and guilty that I didn't recognise her on site. 

Tsunade saw my embarrassment and gave a small smile to me.

"And this is Sakura, my apprentice." She motioned the pinkette. 

A fitting name, I thought.

Looking over to Sakura, she gave a little nod in awknowledgement and I did the same back. 

It was then Sakura spoke out to me again. "And your name would be?"

Sakura had the personality that seemed like she was calm but was hindered by a severely dangerous temper. 

"My name is Mina Kimimaru..."

The room fell silent and Tsunade looked at me with disbelief in her eyes, however she never said a word.

Tsunade broke the icy silence. "Mina, do you have any recollection of memories on what happened before you fainted?" Her tone was back to it's normal snappy tone. 

My brain recollected some memories of what happened and stringed them together, finally remembering that side of Tobi. "Someone...chased me here."

After which Tsunade went through the typical questions, all for the safety of the village and the like. 

However I couldn't help but smile through the interrogation as one memory was plastered within my brain, kneeing Tobi within his crotch. 

After a while Tsunade and Sakura left with what they needed from me. 

After eating something, I started to ponder. 

"Wasn't that wolf thing meant to be here...?" I muttered aloud.

Only after this did I jump, a poof within my room and slowly as the smoke cleared did I see a smaller version of Ukim; a cub. 

"Finally decided to show up, eh?" I said doubtfully, Ukim instantly gave me daggers and jumped onto the bed on my lap. "Mina, before I lose patience with you...You are the only human being that is able to understand me. So try not to look crazy talking to yourself."

I laughed in response, "It's not like I could be seen as crazy, people would just see me as another Inuzuka clan member."

Ukim just rolled her eyes, but stopped midway when she saw something. 

Following her gaze, I saw a note folded neatly on the bedside table. After taking a few moments to examine it, I slowly but cautiously read it:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

To heck with these poems. 

I will kill you. :)

From Lollipop Man 


A pit formed within my stomach as I read it, it was spine-chilling that he of all people had been there in that room, while I was asleep. 

All my thoughts had bee interrupted as the door to my room slid open. "Normal people knock." I said aloud as the person walking in. 

Half of the man's face had been covered by a mask along with his left eye. It was hard to make out who it was underneath the mask. 

"Mina, it was you!" The man exclamined.

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