Chapter Twenty

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How Could I?

-Mina's P.o.v-

Walking along the dusty road was annoying since it was so obvious that I was being followed, I mean they weren't even hiding their chakra that well! With a sigh I quickly spoke beneath my breath in almost a whisper,

“Dyga sa yfyo.”

After the whisper was said, I was taken away a mile or two to a place I've come accustomed to, a lake where I had been training for the past three years. I relaxed a little, it would take quite some time for them to find me here.

-Madara's P.o.v-

She disappeared before our eyes, not a trace was left but I could sense her presence perhaps a couple of miles away,

“Dammit, hm.”

Deidara grumbled while looking around. Both of us jumped down from the tree we was in and looked around,

“Tobi you seem rather silent since we bumped into her.”

I thought for a moment before I replied to him. The only reason as to why I was silent because I was asking myself so many questions as to why Mina is still alive,

“Well, I know how much you missed Mina-kouhai. So I will stay quiet!”

Ah, Deidara's face when I finished my sentence was so amusing, I'm quite surprised that I didn't chuckle at the facial expression he pulled.

“I do not, and will never miss that stupid little witch!”

He huffed, I smirked thinking of what Mina would do to Deidara if she ever heard that comment from him but then he had the right to all her that because she did beat him enough in the past for him to have a grudge against her,

“But Deidara-senpai! Mina-kouhai is older than you!”

Deidara just twitched in irritation as he remembered that fact that she was actually 27 now and yet she looked like she was only entering her early twenties because of her height.

“Yeah, well she's not meant to be alive...”

And so my dark thoughts came back because he reminded me of that fact,

“Anyway, let's split up and look for her, yeah.”

Deidara got on his clay bird and took off leaving me stranded. As soon as he was out of site and heading in the opposite way to where Mina's actual location was I quickly went running towards her asking myself the same question,

Why is she still alive?

-Mina's P.o.v-

A rather intimidating presence was coming towards me,

Got rid of, Madara?

I thought to myself as I sat up so I could see the cherry blossom tree across the lake, I really did love cherry blossom trees, the presence slowly got closer and I estimated only a couple of minutes of peace before he arrived, finally getting up I went over to where the land met the water and gently touched the lily-pads that floated ever so gracefully on the water.

-Madara's P.o.v-

Mina's chakra strength had grown stronger than what I could remember, the thought of seeing Mina again made adrenaline run through my body causing me to run faster, finally I jumped through an opening to where the chakra pattern had led me; only to see the cloak figure I saw once before.


I asked, nothing was heard except for the movement of the figure as the person stood and turned to face me, I couldn't see the face since her hood covered her face with darkness,

“Nice to see you, old wrinkled butt.”

Now I knew it was Mina. No one would ever call me that but her,

“No...You're meant to be dead.”

I commented idly, slowly Mina pulled her hood down so I could see her face, it came to a shock because this Mina was nothing like the one I knew once before.

-Mina's P.o.v-

I knew that even if I were to show my face to Madara he wouldn't think of me as the Mina he once knew three years ago, I looked at him a bit sorrowful while blinking away some tears that were threatening to fall because I was pretty happy to see Madara in the flesh for the first time in three years.

“Let me just say-”

Madara interrupted me and trust me, his tone wasn't the most happiest of ones.

“Why? How are you still alive? Even if you didn't die that day you wouldn't be here!”

I sighed and looked to the floor not being able to look at his expression,

“Listen to me, Madara...I didn't die that day because I faked my death...and I...I-”

Yet again Madara interrupted me but this time it wasn't with words but his hand upon my neck.

“Spit it out.”

I could see the Sharingan behind his mask and in all honesty it still struck fear in my heart,

“I can't spit it out, if you're holding me by my neck.”

My voice was croaky from where so much pressure was applied by Madara, slowly his grip loosened enough so I could speak,

“I found the cure for my heart.”

his aura worsened and I could clearly hear it within his voice.

“And you didn't tell me?”

This angered me a little, had he forgotten what he did the day that I supposedly 'died'?

“How could I, Madara? You gave my precious necklace that you called a trinket to the f&%@#£* snake!”

My voice rose to him, he let me go looking to the floor and placed his hands on my shoulders in a sorrowful way, I believed that I got him with that one. I pulled his head back to normal level to look at me, his eyes were covered with guilt, pain and depression.

“I can't forgive you for what you betrayed me.”

I was almost in tears at this point when suddenly a dove landed by us with a note, shaking off Madara's hands I made my way over to the dove taking the note and reading it, Madara watched intently without uttering a word to me. After turning around and looking at him one last time,


Was my final word before leaving him again. As the smoke cleared I was no longer at the lake, I felt sad because I had to leave Madara but also happy, I finally got to see him again.

“Something wrong, my dear?”

My auntie asked, that's when I realized, I was crying over Madara.

My One And Only // Madara love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum