Chapter Seven

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A Serious Talk.

-Mina's P.o.v-

The last thing I remembered from the previous night was being carried by the dreaded lollipop before blacking out yet again, after hours of sleeping I was awoken ever so lovely by some shouting voices.
"Can't I murder that B@#&^?!"The voice was easy to recognise since it was too annoying to not, 'Hidan.'
"For once I actually agree with the Immortal idiot, un."The 'Un' gave away who that was easily.
"Leader-sama gave orders not to harm her...yet."Calm and collected, like an Uchiha, to be specific Itachi Uchiha.

 As the long ramblings drew to an end, they all finally left the door alone, however there was a shadow by the door that was yet to leave but it didn't. Instead the person unlocked and came in without warning, I just closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

"Such a reputation you have with the men."

This voice was rather feminine for an Akatsuki member, then I realized it was the only women in the Akatsuki that I heard Pein mentioned before. As my memories of that escape attempt were interrupted a cold hand was placed upon my forehead to check my temperature, did I mention that this person felt like death himself?
Shivering at the touch while opening my eyes to meet caramel ones,
"Don't you guys have heaters here?"I mumbled as she just gave a tiny smile.
"I had thought you were awake...Your breathing was uneven."
Still crouching by the bed while she took her hand away, I grumbled something that she didn't hear.

"So...what happened?"I asked.
"Tobi brought you here..."She said quickly, her tone never changing, she was almost like a replica of Pein.
I glared at my lap yet again with the woman watching my every move probably with caution knowing I would probably look for anyway to escape.
That's when I realised Ukim was missing, "...My wolf-cub is missing."

The women looked to me probably wondering what I was on about and nodded slowly as she stood up and walked towards the door, before she went out she stopped and turned her head back to me. "By the way...My name is Konan."

I gave a kind smile to Konan as she left, falling back to the cold yet hard pillow, wondering what to do because I couldn't just get up and leave without getting caught by an Akatsuki member, and with the door being locked made the task even more hard, plus my chest was hurting at the time.

About an hour of just staring up at the ceiling wondering what I would do, the door flung open causing me to jump.
"As if my life couldn't get any better." Using a sarcastic tone with the evil orange lollipop who was shutting the door closed and instantly appeared by my bed, he didn't do anything except stare which drives me up the wall.
"Can't you get the message it's rude to stare, into your head?"He just growled at me and put a hand on my head, I wondered... why on earth would you check on the health of your prisoner?

"Why are you guys constantly checking up on me?" I questioned allowed, causing him to withdraw his hand, he probably saw the flawed logic too. 
"And if you're wondering why I have a fever, it's nothing new. Comes in hand with my heart condition that's slowing killing me..." Was all I said, pulling myself up, even if my chest did protest any movement of the sort.
There was just silent between the two of us, he was probably taking in the new information, trying to figure out why I was always putting myself in such strains if I was already dying.

"You know, you could have gone to a hospital like a normal person."He said in a matter-of-factly tone. I frowned slightly, forcing myself to look at the dreaded mask. I knew that was always going to be the smart option, but whenever I'm in a hospital, it takes me back to when I was a little girl, locked within a room, watching everyone from a window, all because I was told: I'm going to die.

I never wanted to feel that lonely again. 

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