Chapter Eight

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Life or Death?

-'Tobi's' P.o.v-

She didn't respond with any sort of quirky or sarcastic answer within the first minute, after I said that, she seemed almost spaced out. 
"So why didn't you do that?" I asked, bringing her out of her trance like state, she thought for a moment with an audible 'hm'.
But soon her thinking face was replaced with a light smile, all her features softened at once.
"Because I don't feel like dying cooped up like a hen!"Her tone was almost too cheerful, clearly she was forcing herself to think positively. 

My eyebrow arched to her answer, she was so fascinating with her brain and it's moronic ways.

"Aren't you afraid of death if you know you're dying?" She shifted slightly, her facial expression dropping to a more sorrow-filled one.
"Well... Of course I'm afraid today, I'm scared when I go to sleep my heart will just give up on me and I won't wake up again, just the thought of that makes me nauseous... But, the way I see it, I would much rather travel to see the world as much as I can before my condition takes my life than stay confined to a bed and have every doctor under the sun tell me the same thing, on repeat and stereo..."
Her voice was proud, she was completely hell-bent that that is what she wanted to do in life, and honestly I don't blame her.
Seeing how god damn stubborn she was just caused me to chuckle.

She of course didn't understand as to why I was chuckling. 

-Mina's P.o.v-

"Everyone seems to laugh whenever I tell them about this... I don't get it." I mumbled. 
Of course 'Tobi' silenced his chuckle on the spot, staring at me slightly. However, before I could even get in a comment about the staring he spoke once more.
"It's because your view isn't as one would expect for someone whom is dying. People give up when they get news of their death quickly approaching, and yet you're choosing to be the most annoying person on the planet." 
Was all he said in a serious tone, I'm pretty sure I heard a joke, but with how serious he sounded, I didn't dare to give it even a smile, I mean I was still kinda mad I was captured by him.
"It gets me through the day. But my annoying levels aren't even close to your Tobi... Like if you and I were put in a room together, and someone like say Deidara was told he could kill one of us, my bet would be you." I said with a bright smile, he huffed in a sort of 'yeah right' kind of way... I think.
It's hard to tell when you're speaking to a wooden mask what kind of emotion they're displaying. 

The conversation died quickly between us and 'Tobi' seemed to just stare, again. 

"What? Have I got drool on my face or something?" I squinted, almost adding my life lesson of 'It's rude to stare.' But I refrained for once. 

"I was just thinking about you... And what I could do for the revenge for what you did to me." 
His voice was low and dark, almost like he was about to shank me kind of way.

Of cause the switch flicked and I was back to normal. A smile that was innocent as ever graced my face.
"Awhhh, So you're planning? What's it involve? Popsicle sticks and cups? Any more than that and I fear your brain would have an aneurysm from using more than what your IQ is."
He clearly didn't like his intelligence insulted, but still graced me with a sort of response. 

"Trust me, if I told you what I was going to do, you'd never have a wink of sleep again." 
You could hear the smirk within his voice.
I twitched slightly, wondering if he was actually being serious with that remark. 
"Well if it doesn't involve me dying, you ain't gonna scare me." 
He in turn got up from his crouch, and began to leave. 
"Who's to say it won't?" Was the very last thing he said before slamming the door and locking it back up. 

I huffed slightly into the silence. 
"Diiiick..." Was all I said after him, quietly of course. 
Instead of flopping back onto the futon, I decided to get up and explore the small box I was placed in, my chest pounded with every little movement. 

There wasn't much to it other than a bucket in the corner and a candle by the futon - which was the only light source I had other than the illumination from underneath the door.

My 'grand' time was cut short by someone unlocking the door, instinctively I dove back onto my futon, my actions reminded me of when I was out of bed as a child and my mother coming in, I would always dive into my bed. 

I watched the door open fully, squinting at the light that assaulted my eyes. I could barely make out the silhouette and facial features of my invader through my burning, watering eyes.

"Get up." Was all the voice had to say and I groaned. 
"Couldn't I of been escorted by someone who can be annoyed by my very presence?" He didn't say a thing, just stood there waiting for me to get to my feet like an obedient prisoner. 
"Awh, come on, Weasel, give me some sort of reaction. It does a face some good to move the muscles." I spoke while getting up and walking over to him. "So what is it now? Swimming lessons?" He gave a simple roll of the eyes while turning away from me, but to me that was an achievement, now all that was left on my list was to get some reaction out of Pein. 

"Leader wants you brought before him." Was all he said while walking off, it almost sounded like he was scolding and I was apparently the naughty puppy he was scolding. 
"Geez, lighten up, this isn't my last mile." I said while following, and of course! No reaction. 

For a hideout, it was quite elaborate with all the endless hallways and turnings, you could literally get lost in the maze, which I suppose would be a good thing, and I'm beginning to think some of the rooms aren't even occupied by anything. After travelling what seemed like years, we got to a door, which seem considerably bigger and stronger built than the rest.
And when we stepped in, I was in awe. There was a huge statue within the room and standing in front of it was like a holographic version of Pein - well I assumed it was by the silhouette and his piercing gaze stabbing both Itachi and I as we walked in.

"You may go, Itachi." His voice echoed through the room, Itachi gave a quick bow and left, quietly closing the door behind him, leaving me in the room. I felt like a turtle, ready to flee back into my shell, I wasn't sure why I was there, or even why I was seeing a holographic Pein instead of the real person. So the intimidation factor was pretty high, because I knew there was nowhere for me to run in here. 

But that didn't stop my brain from talking in it's most irritating fashion.

"What did you want so badly from me that you had to summon my gracefulness here?" He didn't answer me for a moment, like he wanted to see if I wanted to rephrase my question with maybe an ounce of respect within it. Pein should have known by then that I of all people was never going to give the respect he wanted, even if I was severely fearful for my life, my personality would never let that show, especially to him. 

"Life or Death." Was all he said, like he was giving me some sort of sick option. I tilted my head slightly with a shrug, like I wasn't at all bothered.
"Depends on what's tied with the life option..." I finally looked Pein dead in the eye... which isn't something I usually do, but I need to get over my small fears some day. 

"You'll be a subordinate of the Akatsuki, Mainly Tobi." Now for a life and death option, I would much rather choose death than work under the Akatsuki. I got to thinking for a second, that Tobi wasn't even apart of the Akatsuki from all what I had heard over the few months he was there, which bothered me as to why I would work under him. 
But then there was that side of Tobi, a part of him I know virtually nothing about. 

After a couple minutes of silence and pretending that I was actually thinking about it, I finally gave a suitable answer.
"I choose life then... because I doubt I'd be able to escape here with all the members here... mainly Kisame, I barely made it out alive when dodging that stupid sword of his."
Pein as usual gave no reaction and continued to speak. 
"You'll be monitored, constantly. Any reports of you going against us will end in death, am I clear?" I grunted with a nod. 
Basically what he was saying was I was stuck here until I go completely insane, which will take no time at all. 
"If you wish to go outside of this place, you will have someone accompany you." 
I grimaced slightly. 

Yup, it was official. 

I'm going to go mad.

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