Chapter Sixteen

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The Necklace...

~Mina's P.o.v~

Finally getting to the Hokage mansion, I knocked on the door a couple of times waiting for someone to say enter. Finally hearing the female go ahead, I walked inside only to see Lady Tsunade's shocked face,


she asked and I gave somewhat a nervous smile.

"Yes...I've come back to retrieve-"

"Your bag?"

She finished my sentence, I looked at her confused because I had no clue how she knew that's what I came back for. She gave a chuckled and leaned back in her chair,

"From what Kakashi has told me of you, you never forget your bag."

she stated, I rolled my eyes since it was obvious that Kakashi would tell the Hokage about me, Tsunade stood up breaking me from my thoughts and headed towards me.

"Follow me, I will show you where it is."

After which I followed her to a building not far from the Hokage's mansion, the main doors for the building nearly knocked me out when the swung open, as we carried on through the corridors we ended up at a door in which Tsunade knocked on the door.

"Item 369."

Was all she said in a stern voice, for a moment nothing happened when suddenly the door slowly creaked open to reveal a guy with dark bags under his eyes possibly from no sleep and in his hands was the bag I have been longing for a couple of days now, seeing the bag nearly made me jump for joy but I kept my cool. Tsunade took the bag from the man and gave it to me,

"If you don't mind me asking, why do love this bag so much?"

She only asked that because I had the biggest smile on my face anyone else would think I'm the Cheshire Cat, while searching through the bag I finally found what I was looking for and pulled it out,


It was a blue rectangle sapphire necklace, Tsunade looked at me and the necklace shocked.

"Is that your clan's stone?"

I shook my head no in response, it made sense why she asked but it was merely a type of replica that I was given when I was a small girl.

"No, only the strongest person in the clan gets to wear it...and that was my father...he must have died with it or destroyed it before anyone got a hold of it, this was given to me by someone when I was a little girl..."

I frowned as I could not remember the person who gave me the necklace since it was so long ago and yet I can remember so many other memories from my childhood. Tsunade was curious as to who the person was,

"Who was that person?"

I stood up while picking up my bag rattling my brain trying to think of any names,


My One And Only // Madara love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon