Chapter 10: Frozen under the sunset

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"You...YOU!" My heart and everything around me stopped as Hänner rises from the ground. "HOW DARE YOU HIT ME? DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM? IM A LIEUTENANT!" All the boys' eyes went wide, all expect Soldier Taehyung, who just stands there, with a bloody fist and an expressionless stare.

"You won't get away with this, no, you need to get punished!" Hänner's face is red with anger, and Soldier Taehyung, doesn't even blink.

However, Hänner's hands reach to his black baton on his left hip. 

Oh no. There's his evil bloody grin.

"Turn around." He says, and I freeze. He can't, he won't. But Hänner is capable of everything, especially when his ego feels threatened.

"Lieutenant, what are you-" Soldier Jungkook knows what's happening, his wide eyes and pale face tell me just how scared he is for Soldier Taehyung. And he is trying to stop it, to bring some sense to Hänner.

That's just as impossible as it is to fly.

"SHUT UP! EVERYONE!" His anger levels have definitely picked high up, I have never reached that level on him myself, not even when I exposed his illicit businesses to the whole institute.

"Now, turn around brat, lift up your shirt." Soldier Taehyung looks at me, his stare is unmoving, unwavering, expressionless as he turns around slowly and raises his shirt, exposing his toned muscled back.

I gulp. Not at his muscles, but  to what is going to happen with that perfect body of his'

Did I just think that?

Just as Hänner raises his baton, ready to collide against Soldier Taehyung's back, I finally react. 

"Stop Hänner! don't hit him." I am surprised by how loud and steady my voice sounds, completely different as to how I feel. He listens, he stops and turns to me with that wicked frown upon his face. 

"Don't interfere Hye Mi, or you will make this much worse-"

"Hit me instead," I say, and that is enough to end that expressionless stare of Soldier Taehyung, and make him turn towards me. The boys freeze, Soldier Namjoon raises an eyebrow, and Soldier Jungkook shakes his head at me as if telling me not to. 

"I am responsible for what they do, including their mistakes." I don't think Soldier Taehyung did a mistake. In fact, I think he did nothing wrong, but respond to Hänners orders, which were, to fight. However, and as much as I want to scream at Hänner for being an egoistic arsehole, I can't. 

At least I try not to. 

"So hit me, instead of him," I say. Hänner's smile grows wider, blinded by his wrath and hatred for me, and now Soldier Taehyung too. "Turn around." He says. And avoiding Soldier Taehyung burning gaze, I do. 

Please don't do anything stupid, please just stand farther away. Turn around if you will, but don't do anything stupid Soldier Taehyung, for the love of Korea. 

As my fingers curl on the edge of my shirt and were about to expose my back, a voice I know too well keeps me from doing anything other than turn around and bow. 

The voice of the man who assigned me to train these boys. 

Sargent Choi. 

"What in the name of Korea is happening here!" He walks towards us, with two officers following close behind him. "Am I going deaf, or did I hear that Lieutenant Hänner is about to hit a Soldier?" He is clearly upset at Hänner, and yet I can't allow myself to smile in satisfaction, because in a way, I am to blame too. For letting this happen.

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