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A/N: Guys, this is the last chapter of this book. Sorry.

Walking into the empty mansion, I recalled the memories from the last time I showed up to Talia's house: it consisted of sounds of screaming and crying everywhere, thanks to the fight her parents were having. Despite the many disputes that goes on in her family, they all manage to solve their problems and sort out their differences, which is probably why her parents are still happily married.

"Took you long enough to get here." Luna chirpily said as she greeted me, followed by an angry Talia. "How dare you not tell me that both of you started dating your men?" Before I could pull myself together, Talia was already glaring at me and demanding an explanation.

"I told her." Luna shyly said, hoping not to deal with my anger. I sarcastically smiled at her before looking at Talia, "I only told Luna because she told me. We only became official a while ago, literally less than four hours ago."

"So how did it go?" Talia questioned, looking at us.

"Before we tell you about anything of ours. Why don't you tell us about you and June?" I smirked, looking at her with a smug face.

"What do you mean?" She tried to escape.

"Honey, I spend most of my time stalking people than doing anything else. You think I wouldn't notice?" I smirked as I pulled out my phone and showed to her the picture that June had posted, where he was kissing her cheek and they both had gone on a coffee date of some sort. Her face instantly turned red and it was my turn to glare at her, "At least we didn't tell the world before telling our best friends!" I screamed at her before chasing her around the house.

We ran around her house and caught her several times until she somehow managed to escape our torment, only to get caught in it again. The cycle went on for like a dozen times before we finally ran out of energy and crashed onto the sofas in the living room. "I can't believe you're dating June." Luna managed to stutter through her uneven breaths.

"It literally happened this morning. I told him to wait till I told you guys, I didn't know he misunderstood not telling as a grant to show." Talia sarcastically explained. And I titled my head, not sure of how her words made sense.

"I'm not going to deny, June has one hell of a sense of humour. I see why you like him." Luna winked, cheering Talia up. I didn't realise until now, but she seemed insecure about her relationship, as if she was scared of us disapproving.

"Next time you start dating, first make sure your best friends find out first, and from you." I joked, making her smile as she calmed down and lightened up. She was tense and we wanted to change that.

"I thought Jae was with that Charlotte bitch. What happened?" Talia asked, looking at me awkwardly and in a confused manner. Luna turned to me and waited for my response.

"Apparently they never met until that day she flirted with him, but their parents are married. He lives in his own condo so never got around to discovering he had a new step-sister. And so they barely knew each other." I explained as briefly as I possibly could.

"But they were caught talking to each other in an intimate manner." Talia looked confused and I smiled. Before I could say anything, Luna jumped in, "He was asking her to piss of in a quiet tone." I laughed at Luna's words, this woman was insane, heck, she was beyond crazy, but she knew exactly how to cheer us up and lighten up the mood.

"So when did you guys start dating?" Talia asked, making Luna look at me expectantly and I smirked, "We just kind of did... after he kissed me."

"Oh." Talia sighed, clearly not excited, which disappointed me, "I thought it was going to be better than the scenario of sharing a kiss and then wonder what you are." I pouted, annoyed at her words. She ignored me and looked at Luna, "What was it like for you?"

"Well he just kinda asked." Luna simply said, making Talia and I glare at her. She spoke more, "He seriously just asked me while Amara was asleep. We were talking about how we surprisingly get along and then he asked."

"You beat her." Talia retorted, looking at me with a serious expression.

"Tell us about yours." Luna smirked, knowing that this was going to be a hypocritical torture session for us all.

"He took me out for breakfast and treated me to a meal and then asked me out." Talia smiled happily, clearly proud of what she had said. Luna and I, on the other hand, growled at her response and rolled our eyes.

"Too cliché." Luna whined as she looked at me.

"It's cuter than yours. Zero literally had to wait for Amara to disappear before he could ask." Talia complained.

"Still, literally the cheesiest proposal ever." I defended Luna.

"Says the girl who literally has to meet her archenemy often since she decided to date the step-brother." Luna, for some unknown reason, fought me.

"At least he has his own condo!" I defended myself, before glaring at the two of them. My harsh glare managed to get us all to wonder what we were doing and why we were being so immature. It pretty much silenced all three of us.

"I still think my boyfriend is better than yours." Talia smiled to herself as she looked at us. Luna and I looked up and stared at her, "Your boyfriend is literally the class clown." Luna said, in a questionable tone.

"Yours is literally the male version of Amara. I can't believe you love her that much." Talia insulted her, somehow managing to bring me into it.

"That is a blessing and a curse." I smirked, being proud of my status at Zero's sister.

"Guess I have to break up with him now. I've had enough Amara's in my life." Luna joked in a serious tone, making me glare at her. My reaction made the both of them laugh loudly and I started to throw cushions from the sofas at them, to make them shut up.

The laughter eventually died down and I felt relieved to be where I was and surrounded by my best friends. "We should go on a triple date." Luna crazily suggested and we all got excited, jumping to the centre of the room to plan the entire event.

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