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I settled into Ro's car as I waited for him to finish flirting with the waitress at the coffee shop, since we both agreed to want our morning coffee professionally made by our dad's best friend, Naomi. She was also our godmother.

"You done hitting on her?" I asked him sarcastically as I rolled my eyes when he entered the car.

"Shut up. I got her number." He smirked happily, as if he had just won the best prize ever.

"Whatever you say, casanova." I melodiously hummed in response. Silence cocooned us as we enjoyed the ride without the disruption noise created. I scanned the car park as my brother parked his car into a spot. We both climbed out when we became surrounded by athletic men who seemed too cheery for a morning of learning.

"Nice outfit baby girl." A random player announced, his words were loud enough and made me feel awkward.

"Back off." Zero practically growled as he moved towards me and stepped in between the sack of rotten douchiness and myself.

"Chill man, she's not your girlfriend." He cockishly declared.

"She's not yours either." Zero's fists clenched when Luna showed up and spoke, "Just get lost, go find a slut to keep you busy." Surprisingly the pervert actually left.

"That was Henry by the way." June informed us, while Ro moved to lean on his car.

"He's a dick." I commented rudely.

"He cheated on a lot of his girlfriends and slept with a whole load of prostitutes before. He just has a thing for shoving his dick up into holes." Cade optimistically said.

"Ew." I exaggeratingly said, making Zero laugh a little at my reaction.

"Honestly, it's more guaranteed that you won't gain any diseases from a Roman than it is with him." June joked, wrapping his arm around Talia's neck, in a friendly manner.

"That's a bit much." A blondie commented, walking up towards us before standing next to my brother, as if to claim him. I am not sure why exactly, but at that very moment, my gaze darted to look at Luna who looked a little annoyed and then dismissed the freaky person beside Ro.

"And you are?" I asked her in a bitchy tone.

"Charlotte, but you can call me Cher." She said in a weird tone that was meant to be seductive. Almost immediately, Cade rolled his eyes at her. "And I am guessing you are a possessive ex of this beautiful young man here." She commented, glaring at the fact that I was holding onto my brother's arm. "No wonder he left you." She commented, eyeing my outfit which seemed very casual and athletic to an extent. Her comment made me roll my eyes at her while my brother just stared at her in disgust.

 Her comment made me roll my eyes at her while my brother just stared at her in disgust

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"Umm no, but I am someone who can turn any bitch into his ex or even enemy." I told her, glaring at her while standing firmly on the ground. She looked at me in a confused manner, which made me smirk, "I am his sister, bitch. And if you don't mind, please get the fuck out of my way cuz I don't want to see your fake plastic boobs and ass." My tone was sinister, but the insult I passed out to her managed to make everyone laugh at her, especially the basketball players who were all too busy laughing out loud.

"Nice comeback." Luna commented as I walked over to her side.

"Thanks. I'd stay for longer but I have to talk to my teacher about something." I commented, looking at the school entrance to see Professor Collins walk into the building with a handful of books in his hand.

"Okay." Luna replied, smiling at me before distracting herself with the conversation everyone else was too preoccupied in their own conversations. I followed Christopher into his own office on the fifth floor of the English building. "You following me around now?" He joked as he placed the books on his desk.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you." I announced politely, earning a nod in response from him, signalling me to talk to him. "I have a few questions regarding the creative writing challenge."

"A few?" He warmly smiled as he looked up and met my eyes.

I nodded and he spoke, "How about we do this? You come to my office during lunch and we talk about it."

"Actually I can't do that. I promised my brother to watch him tryout for the basketball team." I informed.

"The twin one?" He questioned.

"The only sibling I have." I smiled as he nodded happily.

"After school?" He suggested.

"I am not so sure about that." I slowly replied.

"Well you know where to find me when you are sure of your answer." He smiled as he placed his hand on my back. I nodded in obedience before pulling out my phone in front of him to text my brother if I could stay back for a while after school or not. Once I got my answer, I looked up at my teacher with a troubled expression on my face, "I have to head back home right after school."

He sighed, "It's fine. You can talk to me right after class. You do have a few minutes to spare, right?" I nodded happily, finally at peace now that I knew I could have my answers soon. "Hurry on, kiddo. You have to get to class before I do, school rules." He smiled as he patted my back, leading me out of his office. I smiled as I turned to face him, "Thank you." When he nodded in response, I made my way towards the staircase and ran down, heading towards the classroom.

"Woah! Hold your horses." Chloe exclaimed when I bumped into her.

"Sorry, I was rushing to class." I explained to her.

"It's fine. Did you come from his office?" She asked me and I froze, "I saw you follow him up. What happened?" She seemed genuinely concerned.

"I wanted to talk about the creative writing challenge, but didn't get to since class was about to start." I told her.

"Oh. I signed up for it too, but I am doing it just as a starter challenge. To warm myself up for this course." She told me as we waited to get into class, despite the drama queens that were arguing in the doorway. I felt a warm hand place itself on my back, making me turn around. The simple action of me turning around also made Chloe turn to stare at Christopher in front of us. "Ladies, get out of the doorway and take your seats now." He announced in a loud and stern voice, clearly annoyed at the fact that more than half of his students were still outside the classroom.

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