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I was attempting to complete my homework without procrastinating in the middle when Luna randomly texted me, asking to Face-Time. I loved that girl but sometimes she needed to learn to manage her timing better. I called her, not bothering to text her back my answer. "Hey!" I chimed, angling my phone against my laptop screen as I finished writing the essay for English.

"Have you chosen what you want to do as an additional course?" She asked, not caring to greet me back. But that's how she was.

I shook my head, "I haven't even looked through the list."

"Neither has Talia." She informed me, before adding her to the call.

"Guys, I have homework to do. I can't talk. You guys distract me." Talia complained as she glared at us, through the camera.

"So do I. Just talk and work." I ordered her, jotting down another sentence in my answer.

"What extra course shall we take?" Luna asked, smiling as she focused her hardest on perfecting the wing for her eye, with her eyeliner.

"Don't you have any homework?" I asked her.

She smiled coyly, "I do but they're due later during the week so I don't have to do them at this very moment."

I rolled my eyes, here we go again.

"You do realise that you did that all through last year and managed to scream around at almost every time you were close to your deadline." Talia said while laughing.

I joined in and laughed too, "If that happens to you again this year, love, I refuse to help you." I joked, but they knew me as well as I knew me: I was bound to stop whatever I was doing to help her, as long as I was in no position of having a mental breakdown. Out of the three of us, I was the one who was more likely to cry when in distress, Luna would scream or rant, while Talia would just whine about it before agonisingly forcing herself to complete her work.

"Fine, I'll do part of it or most of it tonight." She whined, as she started to slowly regret calling us.

"Start it once you're done with your makeup." I told her, almost completing my homework.

"So how was your date with Jae?" Talia flirtatiously asked me, in a melodious tone.

"It wasn't a date." I told her. I wasn't lying.

"Where did you guys go? And what did you talk about?" Talia questioned curiously.

"McDonald's." I answered.

"Tell us everything!" Luna excitedly requested.

I sighed, before starting to talk, "So basically we spoke about my brother and his newly found crush."

"Who? Who? Tell me who?" Luna exclaimed, not letting us tell her anything. Both Talia and I stared at the youngest of us before breaking into our own phase of laughter. "Yah!" We could hear her scream at us, trying to get our attention.

"Fine, fine, fine." I repeated, as we all finally calmed down, "You happen to be Zero's crush." I didn't say anything more as I was waiting for her reaction: she just froze and looked awkwardly us, it was almost as if her phone broke and was displaying an image of her looking frozen. "Luna, are you okay?" I asked her, both Talia and I looked worried for her.

"What happened?" Talia questioned.

"How can he like me after I humiliated him like that?" She was practically ranting and complaining about it. But I wan't sure if she was really against the idea of him liking her. We both gawked as she continued to rant on about my brother liking her, as if it was a crime or a mistake. I sighed before starting to do my homework, still listening to her and responding using small utterances and sounds of agreement.

"Are you guys even listening?" She asked in a loud voice, getting both Talia and my attention.

"Uhuh." We both nodded.

"What did I say?" She interrogated.

"That you were going to sleep with Zero and get pregnant with his child?" Talia answered, unsure and confused as I gawked at her with my mouth wide open.

"Wait, why would you do that?" I harshly asked her. I know I promised my brother to be okay with whatever he wanted to do with whoever, but just casually dropping that the way she did is stupid and tormenting.

"Because you weren't listening to me!" Luna whined, glaring at me.

"I am sorry, I got caught up in my homework." I excused myself and she rolled her eyes. Talia started to chuckle as Luna began her routine scolding, asking me to pay attention to her. At times like these, I never felt like I ever needed to miss my mother, she was easily replaceable by my best friends and family. Her ranting continued, and I couldn't be asked to listen anymore, plus my excuse for that was my brother peaking his head into my room.

"But you came to Earth when I said that your brother and I were going to have kids together?" She randomly announced, finally ending her solo argument. Zero gawked in frustration, annoyance, shock and any other fuck-boy reaction of hearing that they are going to be fathers. "You're going to do what with me?" Zero asked, pushing himself into the camera, and making himself part of the video chat. I turned red in shock while Talia went into her own high of laughter. Luna immediately, without announcing, left the call and seemed to have gone into hiding.

I looked up at my brother, "What do you want?" I was aware of Talia's presence, and I didn't mind it.

"I was going to check on you and ask if you wanted to eat anything, since you just got back from somewhere with somebody I don't know." Zero answered, his words were bitter towards the end, I guess he was just playing the good older brother.

"I was actually out with someone you do know. And only ate chicken nuggets, so I guess we could go have real dinner or something." I replied, nodding to him.

"Dad will be back late, and I found a nice Chinese restaurant nearby, nothing fancy. Wanna go there?" He casually asked me, typing away on his phone.

I nodded, "Sure."

"Can I come?" Talia asked us both, she looked rather happy the second she said it. Guess neither of us could deny our affairs with food. "Save a seat for one more person." She cruelly instructed, forcing me to suspect her of being up to no good once more.

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