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I played around with the food on my plate while the people around the lunch table chatted away. I was lost in thought until someone had nudged me. I looked up at the person who was responsible for it, Jae, "You okay there, love?" I nodded silently in response, I wasn't sure if I was, for some reason I was not myself and have not been all day. "You sure? You seem so out of it." He stated, sliding a fairy cake to me. I looked at it before looking up at him, confused. "Eat up, you seem like you need the energy more than I do." He smiled before looking away from me and looking at my brother who sat beside Luna. You'd expect these two to make up and act as the couple they practically declared to be when they kissed last night, instead, he keeps teasing her and she keeps ignoring him. I literally watched her punch him in the nose after his basketball practice, before throwing a ball at his stomach. For someone who didn't like sports, Luna sure as hell did have great aim and strength.

"Stop staring, Amara. Don't you know it's rude?" Zero joked, practically shoving me into a spotlight for one. Cade laughed at his statement, he sat beside Talia, who also sat near June - she was at between them. "She must be jealous of your relationship since her ass is still single." Cade joked, I glared at him in response. But it seemed that I wasn't the only one pissed, Jae was glaring at him too, but his fists were clenched too and on full display for everyone around the table to see.

"Dude, chill. He's not into her. Trust me." June jokingly said, reducing the tension in the air, while I placed my hand on Jae's arm, pulling him back so that he was leaning against the back of his chair.

"How do you know?" Talia turned and asked him, smiling happily at the man who outwardly declared his feelings for her.

"I grew up with him, so yeah." He brushed off, stuffing his cupcake in his mouth.

"How long have you known each other?" Luna asked, leaning her head on her arms as she waited for the coming story-time.

"Since I can remember. We wore nappies together if that helps your imagination." He simply retorted, making everyone around us crack up. Cade rolled his eyes before strictly answering, "Since kindergarten." I nodded my head in acknowledgement.

"Hi Zero." That Charlotte bitch called out, smiling like a creep as she looked at only my brother, before finally looking up to see Jae, "Who's the new eye-candy?" Her tone was flirtatious and supposedly seductive, but didn't fool anyone.

"My name is Jae." He introduced himself, "I am Zero's best friend." I bit my lip in response.

"Well, I am Charlotte." She introduced herself before pushing June away from Zero so that she could sit down beside my brother.

"You guys would look so cute together." That dick Henry announced, looking at Charlotte and Zero, before shoving my into Jae and pushing Chloe away from me, while siting beside us. I noticed how Chloe was glaring at him, while moving closer to Luna. Jae, almost immediately, wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, making sure not to let that pervert get close to me. "Oh, come one, ladies. Nothing bad will happen if you spent just one night with me." That bastard had the balls to say.

"Other than the fact that they might catch several STI's and STD's from you. I don't see any problem with it." Jae announced, glaring at Henry who was staring at Chloe like a pervert.

"Ignore them, baby. They're just jealous and envious." Charlotte said to Zero who was staring at her like he was confused. I held onto Jae's hands tightly as he held me close to him before looking up to find Luna angrily gawking at Charlotte who for some reason was kissing him. "Back off bitch!" I scowled, standing from my seat and glaring at the self-proclaimed slut.

"Excuse you?" She accusingly scowled, glaring at me as my brother withdrew himself from her reach. Luna was holding onto his arm and pulling him close to her, as if she was claiming him.

"You heard me." I growled lowly after repeating my words, before moving away from my seat and walking towards her. She stood up with a smirk and looked down at me as if I was the dirties thing she had ever seen. Before she could say anything to me, Jae spoke, "Both of you stop before I get involved. And Char, stay away from us all! Especially the twins." He ordered her, making her grit her teeth while I gawked at her obedience to him. It was as if he had her wrapped around his fingers. I turned to look at him, he refused to make eye contact with me. I stood still as I watched Jae angrily storm past me, following Char as she left the room. Within seconds, Henry stood up and followed, leaving everyone in a trance of their own awkward silence.

"What just happened?" Cade asked, appearing as confused as I was.

"I have no idea but I'll figure it out." Zero declared, holding my arm as he looked at me, his next words were whispered, "Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you or your pretty little heart." I looked up at my brother before turning to face a very pissed and annoyed Luna. "You okay?" June asked her, it was a stupid question: she clearly wasn't okay. But who could blame him for trying to be polite?

"Just keep her away from me and I'll be fine." She said through gritted teeth before leading Talia and I out of the cafeteria and towards our next lesson. June and Cade followed in to our net lessons, making sure that we didn't bump into that bitch and her pet puppet.

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