What He Doesn't Know

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Authors Note: If there's anything in this that doesn't make sense/add up to anything else in my story then my apologies. It's literally been months (since October, I believe?) since I've done anything with this story. I've made sure to edit and get back into the story, but I feel like I might've missed some small details.

I had to go back and read some stuff that I forgot and if I've missed anything, feel free to add something in the comments so I can go back and fix it in case I didn't catch it! I don't have any Beta readers, so it's just me, myself, and I.

I'm just trying to get back into the groove of things and that also includes writing too! Again, my apologies for the wait. Thank you all for being so patient with me. <3


Louis was as nervous as ever.

Today is the day.

Time for the ambush.

Louis quickly heaved his small pouch strap over his shoulder to gain a better grip, the contents of the package containing some small snacks and knives of the sort. He was currently wearing a buckskin tunic with matching pants to go with, and over his chest he wore a plate of brown leather armor that was fastened tightly to his torso. A case of arrows sat secure along his back as well and with it came the bow too.

Compared to the soldiers—who were currently trudging through the mud behind him—that were dressed in all armor, their helmets a representation of their status by color, Louis was considered practically under dressed. His arms and face were bare to the cold, afternoon breeze.

It wasn't that Louis didn't want to be safe by not wearing any of the warrior gear. Being in normal clothes during a confrontation was just what he was used to. All the armor would hold him down and keep him from being able to move fast in combat, and the helmet hugged against his ears in a way that would've muffled everything, so when the time came to dressing and Harry noticed Louis' lack of movements to dress into proper clothing to protect himself, Louis practically had to force Harry to accept his choice.

And he did, even if he didn't want to.

However, speaking of Harry, the Alpha was slowly walking a few feet in front of Louis while marching down a steep hill lined with trees and bushes of the sort. Louis reached his hand out to plant it firmly against a nearby tree to keep himself from rolling down the hill like last time. He didn't need any daggers in his side again.

Louis dug his feet into the fallen leaves to keep his balance steady as he watched Harry glide down the slope effortlessly. Behind him were the beating footsteps of the rest of the warriors that were following the both of them--mostly Harry--to their location for their next quick five minute break. Brandy was included with the warriors, and despite him being a hunter as well, he was a good fighter too. He appeared next to Louis--almost startling him in the process--as soon as they both managed to find their way safely to the bottom of the hill.

"Hey Louis, you nervous?" Brandy was half yelling through his helmet as he and Louis quickly caught up to Harry's long stride.

Damn the other man's long legs. Louis couldn't keep the pace.

Louis shrugged his shoulders as he readjusted the bow on his back. "What's the worse that could happen?"

"Well, for starters, you could die," Harry butted in with a soft laugh, causing Louis to furrow his eyebrows.

Once the blue eyed pure Omega looked up into the green eyes of his leader, he smiled when he realized that Harry was just trying to lighten up the tense air between them from the thought of the ambush. There was a smirk that played on Harry's lips before he turned back to stare at the path that was in front of him.

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