The Game Is On

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Niall pushed a wooden door open to an average sized log cabin, it's location just sitting a few blocks from the kitchen. The wood the building was made out of consisted of shiny, orange looking logs, and the natural building material looked as if it had been polished. Whenever the sun rays beat down on it, it gave it a new, fancy satisfactory look. He wanted to stroke his hand against it, to feel the smoothness of it just to see if it was even real wood or not.

The windows were all closed to prevent a hot draft from coming in and ruining the cold circulation inside, especially on a 80 degree day. Louis for sure could feel his whole body burning from the temperature, having to wipe his brow every five minutes to rid of the sweat building up, but he chose not to whine about it whenever Niall brought up the topic of the scorching heat. His friend had red cheeks and his forehead looked moist against the light, making every dot of sweat visible from the sun. One thing was for sure, they were both ready to get out of the sun and bask in the coldness of the next location.

When they entered into the building, the first thing Louis noticed—besides for the nice cold air inside and the doors screaming hinges—was the amount of weapons that sat hanging up along the wall to his right. He looked them all over to get a glimpse of what the wall had to offer on display. There were multiple options for bows and arrows, the spears were made of different wood, the swords were of different lengths and steel, and there were other things that he's never even seen before. One weapon that caught Louis' attention consisted of a long piece of wood with a handle on one end, and then nails sticking out from the other. He cringed at the thought of what it could do. He didn't want to be on the nail side of the weapon, that's for sure.

"Aye, Niall!" a voice bellowed throughout the air as it was directed towards Louis' blonde friend.

He turned to watch as Niall embraced the man who had hollered out to him. His hair was brown and short, eyes the color of the bluest ocean, and his skin was of a darker shade than the two Omegas. He sported a pair of jeans and a baggy grey shirt that complimented his eyes. When Niall broke away from the hug, he turned to point at Louis, a large, white smile painted along both of their faces.

"Louis, come meet Abdul, the packs Swordsmith. Abdul, this is Louis, he's the newbie," Niall introduced them.

Abdul moved swiftly across the small distance before pulling Louis into a large hug. He wrapped his arms around him in a way that made Louis unable to replicate the man's actions. Instead, he just smiled and laughed until Abdul pulled away.

"What brings the two of you here?" he stepped back, one hand resting on Louis' shoulder, as he turned to Niall.

Louis noticed that the two of them never stopped smiling within each other's presence. "The newbie needs a weapon for practice," Niall responded as he placed a hand on Louis' other shoulder, his hand squeezing the bony area.

Abdul looked at him with a smirk, his blue eyes crinkled at the edges. He was taller than the both of them, his build also constructed stronger than a Betas. However, Louis unintentionally noticed the fact that he wasn't as lean as Harry, that was for sure. Plus, from the man's rosey smell and swift, calculated movements, Louis could tell he was an Alpha Hell hound—and I strong one at that.

"Ah, what do you prefer for your choice of destruction? We got all kinds of weapons, and if one doesn't toot the bell, it's my duty to make one that does," Abdul swiftly put his arm out to direct their attention to the wall of weapons. "Go on, step up closer to take a look."

Niall put his hand on Louis' lower back to usher him forward. When he followed through the motion, his friends hand falling from the touch, and closed the short distance to the wall, he found himself reaching out to stroke the nearest bow. It was made of just pure, light wood and it was a smaller one, probably made for that of a teen. It also had no indent to where you were to place your hand, leaving it to be of a beginner bow. He had a fascination with bows, even to the point where he had created his own from wood and melted glass. Louis always wanted to go all out of his, even creating tallies along the wood for every werewolf kill he had. It was a little detail of it that Louis couldn't help but show off to anyone he meet.

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