It's Not Love

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Louis didn't come back to camp until sunrise. With his hands stained with the blood of a traitor and his black jeans covered in dried up mud, he tried to make his way through the trees without being caught by any of the scouts or hunters out in the morning. The last thing he needed was to be investigated as to why he was in the state that he was. He wasn't exactly the best at making excuses, especially when he uncomfortably stood covered in blood and grime. His bare torso was glistening with sweat, a curtain of shine rolling over his skin with every inhale and exhale as the sun broke through the trees above him.

He found himself jumping and tumbling over large, broken trees and protruding roots. Small, spiky burs were sticking to his pants and shoes, their origin of a certain plant that Louis didn't know (but what he did know was that he hated them to his core.)

"Why must there be so many of you?" Louis murmured to himself as he bent down, picking off a tiny bur from his pant leg.

His balance was certainly off as he stumbled from the lack of fatigue—and because of the constant poking of the small burs against his ankles—something a pure Omega needed and valued over any other kind. With heightened senses, it made Louis more aware and energized, quickly eating at his high energy level to tire him. It was why they were known as the sleepiest between other kinds. 

Louis tried to rub Alice's blood off on his pants, his nose crunched up in a cringing expression as he caught a glimpse of his hands. They smelled of a metallic scent, almost like rust, and burned Louis' nose as he looked away. The crimson liquid was now a darker brown, having been dried up between the creases in his palm, making the flesh padding of his human paw itchy and cracking under the substance.

To say that he hid Alice's body wasn't something that he found himself to be proud of at the very least. He took the rest of the night scoping out for any hiding place and took a nearby swamp for a win. It was just inches away from the pack's border, so Louis had to be quiet as he dragged and dropped her body into the water, getting his pants soaked just under his kneecaps. It felt uncomfortable, but the whole situation made him strain under the thought.

Louis hadn't felt guilty at first, but when the night carried on and into the morning, he started to feel a deep sorrow for her. He even had an urge to leave her body where it originally was, just to have someone accidentally stumble across it and report it so the pack could give her a proper burial.

But he couldn't let her be discovered. She had attacked him and went against her own kind. And for what? He wished he had given her more time to pop the question, but he wasn't thinking when he was in the moment. Perhaps it was similar to Louis' situation; maybe she just had beef against Hell hounds and felt like her heart was fixed on the other side. If so, Louis could understand that. He wasn't a fan of werewolves and was staked directly in a Hell hound camp, so at the end, he was going against his own kind too. He and Alice weren't any different, and the only reason that she came after him was to prevent him from giving himself in to the Hell hounds. To prevent him and Harry from becoming powerful against a kind she felt she belonged to. Louis shook the thought away.

He wasn't sure what to think when it came to him being the key to winning a war against two powerful sides.

In addition to hiding Alice's body, with Louis being a newbie, the blame would be rightfully placed on him in an educational sense. The pack was, or seemed, to be a calm, silent one that told of no danger within it's own borders. Yet, it just so happens that when Louis joins the pack, a murder occurs just hours after? Louis knew he didn't want to disrupt that tranquil slumber within the trust between others, all because a body had been found in the woods. It was that very thought that made him decide to conceal the body, especially outside of the border which is where she was last brought to by the Betas.

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