"I'll see if I can find you someone more competent than Han," Namjoon told him. "Hoseok and I will handle the list of things he was supposed to do today, you should go home and rest. Kimi, Choi, and Jungsoo can handle it."


"That's an order. You're exhausted, and trying to work while your tired is going to end in a disaster, you know that," Yoongi sighed.

"Okay, okay, I'll go home,"

"You better," Namjoon said, not bothering to look over his shoulder at him as he opened his office door. "If you're still here in half an hour, I will personally drag you home, or worse–" Namjoon slightly turned in Yoongi's direction now. "– I'll have Jin drag you home,"

Yoongi swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat. "You wouldn't,"

"Then I suggest you get going," He slipped through the doorway, and shut the door gently behind him. Sighing for the umpteenth time that day, Yoongi rose from his chair, and began collecting things from his desk, shoving them into his briefcase. He grabbed the stack of folders off his desk and made his way for the exit.

In the hall, not even five steps from his office, Yoongi was joined instep by his secretary Kimi. Kimi was five foot exactly, had the blackest hair you had ever seen, and always kept a cigarette behind her left ear. Despite her height, she managed to keep up with Yoongi, who's long strides equaled three of hers. In her right hand she held a small notebook, and in her left, a coffee. "Namjoon said you've fired your assistant. Again." she grumbled, taking the stack of folders from him. "What am I going to do with you?"

"He was incompetent," Yoongi replied. She let out her own frustrated sigh, and passed him the coffee cup.

"Large, black, nothing else, just like you asked for," she stated.

"You're a god send,"

"Well this god send is sending you home. You're going to leave, take a hot shower, maybe get laid, and I don't want to see you back here until at least Friday – Ah! No arguing, you need a break from all this madness, the company isn't going to collapse if you leave for a day. It'll do us all some good, now fuck off so I can get to work," Yoongi let out a deep laugh, and stopped outside the elevator doors.

"Goodnight Kimi. I'll see you Friday morning."

"Any sooner and I'll kick you out," she said with a grin.

Yoongi was greeted by his puppy when he stumbled into his home. There was no traffic coming back, which was a surprise seeing how there's always traffic, but it was nice to be able to drive straight home without having to sit on the highway for hours upon end. He set the briefcase down by the door, and kicked his shoes off. "Hi Holly," he said, bending over to pat the dog on the head. "I'll feed you in just a second,"

Slipping a hand under his tie, and pulled on the soft fabric as he made his way up the stairs to his room. He could hear Holly trailing behind him, whining as he struggled to make it up the steps. Yoongi rolled his eyes, turned around, and scooped up the small dog, carrying it the rest of the way up. It was moments like this where he wondered why he'd bought such an enormous home. He didn't need it, he would have been perfectly content in an apartment, a bachelor's pad as some referred it too. But Yoongi was a man of solitude. He liked to be alone more often than not, and so a house was the perfect choice. It was just him, and his dog, and his nearest neighbor was a 20 minute walk away, at least a ten minutes drive. There was no one around to bother him, or his neighbors. People who lived here liked to be alone, and he was okay with that.

He set Holly down on the floor when he reached the landing and proceeded to shrug of his shirt, and jacket, tossing them in the hamper of one of his many bathrooms. He kept discarding clothes as he neared his bedroom, tossing them wherever, some on the floor, some on the chair. He'd clean them up afterwards if Seo-Ah, his maid, doesn't beat him too it. Until then, he'd just leave them discarded around his house.

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