Chapter 40: The End of the War

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Outside, Prairie saw the explosion occurred. "Izuku...?! No!!" She fell to her knees, tears falling like raindrops.


Izuku was floating in a white void, with the six Biometals hovering in a circle around him.

"We must move forward. We must have change." I couldn't think of anything to say to that." He said, remembering what Serpent said before.

A red Cyber-elf floats down to hiss level.

"Well then, why did you decide to fight?" The Cyber-elf turns into a hologram of Giro. "Why? Because you wanted to change the world. You decided that you did not want to be a slave to destiny. You are the one that fought to change that destiny."

"Boss!?" Izuku's eyes widened after seeing Giro in front of him.

"You were a real pain. You never treated the clients with respect. You ignored me. You were always reckless and ran off on your own. Yeah, you were definitely a real pain. You drove me crazy, but I always cared about you. Even the times you drove me crazy... Every moment is a precious memory to me. Strip away the hate and the sorrow from our hearts and what's left? Serpent threw away everything until nothing was left and tried to change the world. Izuku. What will you do?"

"I'll never get over the grief I feel for your loss or the loss of my mom. But, those memories are proof I am alive. Difficult memories... Sad memories. But I don't want to lose them! I will protect all of them!" Izuku proclaimed.

"Then it's your turn, Izuku. Guide the world. Bring the world the future you think it deserves. That's my last job request for you, transporter." Giro flies away a moment after.

~Outside Serpent Inc.~

"My strength alone may not have been enough... But... I'm not alone...!"

Prairie lifted her head and covered her mouth. Izuku was walking out of the collapsing building unharmed.

"I have friends who fight alongside me!!"

"Woo~hoo!! He did it! He did it!" The Guardians cheered. 

"Izuku... You won...!" Prairie said.

"Giro... Everyone... I won!" Izuku looked at the necklace in his hand. 

"Nice job, Midoriya!!" Izuku turned to see Sho hanging from a metal pole. 

"Sho?! Have you been there the whole time?!"

"Yeah... You totally forgot about me, didn't you?" Sho said then smiles brightly. "Let's go home, man! To Guardian Base!"

Izuku helped him out then the two started heading back. Meanwhile Prometheus and Pandora appeared on top of the tower.

"Hmph... It seems Serpent couldn't handle Model W." 

"At least we have some idea of Model W's power now..." Pandora said.

"You're right. There will... Always be... A "next time!" 

The two teleported away. 

~Guardian HQ~

The two finally arrived back to the base. Everyone was waiting for him and smiled.

Prairie ran up to him along with Eri, tackling him in a hug. 

"Everyone hides some painful weakness in their heart. But that pain is what allows people to reach out to others." Model X said, watching the three

"Face your destiny and carve out a new future for yourself. That's the struggle that you and every living thing on the planet must cope with." Model Z said.

"Facing our destinies and carving out the future... That's our struggle. I have something I must protect. And now I have the power to protect it. I will fight! I will fight for what I believe in!"

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