Chapter 3: Model X

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~Meanwhile at the bottom of the mountain~

Izuku regained conscious after falling down the mountain by the Mavericks. Just as he stood up his communicator started to ring.

"Izuku! You okay?!" Giro asked through the communicator. "The package! Do you see it?! It should've fallen near you."

Izuku looked around then saw a floating blue metal object. 

"Listen! Grab the package. Then take it to the rendezvous point and give it to the Guardians! I'll join you later once I take care of business up here! Protect the package at all costs!"

Izuku ran over to the package and encountered two armed soldiers in green and a girl in a pink military uniform.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" One demanded, aiming his gun at Izuku.

"I'm here to deliver a package." Izuku said, raining his hands in the air. 

The girl walked forward and stopped in front of the armed men. "Lower your weapons." She ordered. The two lowered their guns as ordered to. "Are you a transporter?" She asked.

"Yeah I am... Are you Guardians?" Izuku asked, feeling more relaxed now.

"Yes. We heard an explosion and came to investigate." She said. Suddenly the ground began to shake and a giant mechanical snake slithered its way towards them.

"W-what's that?!" The one named, Maquereau stood frozen upon the size of the snake. 

"That must be the leader of this group of Mavericks." Izuku said. The two soldiers began to open fire at the serpent. 

"Prairie! It's too dangerous! Take the Biometal and get out of here!" The one named, Bat shouted. The serpent swatted the two with its mechanical tail, knocking the two out. 

"Nooo!" She yelled, running over to their side.

"J-just take it... and... go!" Maquereau said before losing conscious. Izuku ran over to her as the serpent preparing to strike. 

"Hey! Please get up! We need to move!" He shouted. "They're after the package! Just leave it! If we take it with us, they'll hunt us down!" 

"But I can't let the Biometal fall into the wrong hands!" She protests.

"Whatever it is, it can't be worth throwing your life away!" Izuku said.

"But... Sis... She left that for us. It's too valuable to give it up now!" She was determined to not give up the package to the Mavericks. 

"You've got to be kidding me! What now? I can't handle this alone." 

"But we can work together." An unknown voice said. "I'll lend you a hand." The package began to emit a bright blue light as it came towards Izuku and engulfed him.

"The power of the Biometal is amazing!" Izuku said, examining the X-Buster and armor. 

"Don't be afraid. I'm Biometal Model X." The Biometal introduces.

"Model... X? I can hear you in my head. How are you doing this?" Izuku asked in his head.

"We have to move away from here or that girl will get caught in the middle. With our combined strength, we can fight them off!"

"The Serpent Maverick slithered away as the girl watched in amazement at Izuku's transformation. "He transformed?! Is he one of the chosen ones?" She asked herself.

Izuku turned around to face her. "Hey, you! I need to deliver this to the Rendezvous Point, right? You just wait here!"

He was about to run after the Maverick when he was stopped. "W-wait! I have a name!" She exclaims. "Prairie. The name's Prairie." She said.

"Sorry. The name's Izuku and I'm your transporter!" He introduces. "Stay here. I'll get help as soon as I deal with them!"

"Okay... Be careful Izuku!" Prairie said.

Izuku ran off deeper into the forest, following the trail left behind by the serpent. He destroyed many Mavericks along the way. He reached a clearing where he came face to face with the Maverick Leader.

"We did it... You said your name was Model X. Why did you help me?" He asked in his mind. 

"Do I need a reason to help people?" Model X asked. "You seemed determined to help that girl even though you've never met her before. I just lent you a helping hand. You're the brave one."

"Brave? Me? Not hardly. I just know if I didn't at least try, I'd always regret it." Izuku said. 

He ventured onwards till he reached the Rendezvous Point. There he met more Guardian troops and a short old man. "I'm a transporter. I have your package. Some of your comrades need your help." Izuku informed. 

"No way! Come on! Prairie and the others need us!" Guardian trooper, Marue shouted. Both him and the other two ran to help Prairie and their two comrades, leaving Izuku alone with the old man.

"Everyone seems awfully worried about her..." Izuku said.

"Amazing... It looks like you've managed to link up with the Biometal." The old man, Fleuve said amazed. "Anyway, I'm glad it made it to us safe and sound." 

"Hold on. There was a man travelling with me. You haven't seen him have you?" Izuku asked.

"No. You're the only one that I've seen so far." Fleuve replied.

"This is the rescue squad, we've found the others! We'll treat the wounded and then head on back to HQ." Marue said through the intercoms.

"Hold on. You haven't spotted another transporter out there have you?" Fleuve asked. "Apparently a transporter has gone missing in the area." 

"Negative. There no one- Hey! There's some serious smoke rising from the next area. It's totally like someone has fallen under attack!" 

"No... Boss! I'm going to need to borrow this Biometal a little longer. I have to save him!" Izuku said.

"What?! You would put the Biometal at risk again?!" Fleuve exclaimed.

"My boss is in danger. I don't have time to argue!"


"Wait! Izuku! Listen to him and leave the Biometal here." Prairie said. "We'll search for him."

"Fine." Izuku replied, frustrated. He went back outside after handing Fleuve the Biometal. Taking one of the bikes he went on back home.

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