Chapter 19: Bladewolf

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Izuku went into one of the buildings, quiet and deserted. The sound of someone stomping on the ground could be heard below outside. All Might stomps, created another shockwave that could force anyone to block with their arms to prevent an dusts to enter their eyes. He knew that Katsuki as engaged against All Might.

"Greetings, Mega Man." 

Izuku merged and got to the side of the wall, weapon at hand as he approached slowly. "Show yourself."

The sound of a chainsaw could be heard behind him as he quickly turns and slides underneath. The blade sliced through the wall and the floor, causing the part of the building to collapse. Izuku landed safely then slashes at the falling debris when a metal canine-like robot jumped at him with its chainsaw that was attached to the back. 

Izuku blocks the attack with his saber and pushes the Maverick back. "And you are?" He asked.

"I am IF prototype LQ-84i." The Maverick said, putting its chainsaw back on its back.

"IF prototype?"

"Interface prototype. All autonomous UGs feature high-level onboard artificial intelligence. An additional prototype interface enables verbal communication. I possess an intellect far beyond human reckoning."

"You don't say." Izuku said then asks. "Okay then: What's the meaning of life? Why are we here?" 

The Maverick throws springloaded HF knives at Izuku, who deflects and catches one with his hand. The two knives that went behind him, melted into the wall. 

"I am here to kill you." It replied.

Izuku drops the knife in his hand as it hits the ground. "That's it? Pretty simple thinking for such a mighty intellect." 

"I may analyze orders, but I may not disobey them. Should I disobey a direct order, my memory would be wiped. I must destroy you."

"What good is an intellect if you can't use it?" Izuku taunts, tapping his head. 

"Your taunting is pointless. Exterminate!" The Maverick jumps onto the wall behind him, extendable claws locked onto the concrete and chainsaw on its tail. 

Izuku readies himself into a battle stance as it howls loud enough for everyone in the test and monitor room to hear. 

"Directive... liberate... nation... ensure freedom... Obey directive... must obey directive... no freedom... Freedom... undefined..." The Maverick explodes, leaving behind its AI chip.

"What would an AI know about freedom..." Izuku asks himself, picking up the AI chip and headed towards the target. 

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