Chapter 22: The Beast Forest

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Izuku opened his eyes, lifting his head up from the ground. He saw that he was in the forest, but couldn't see the others. 

"Must've fallen some place else." Izuku groaned, trying to get up, but felt pain on his left leg. He looked to see that it was broken.

"Shit." He cursed to himself. "I don't suppose Biometals can heal broken legs?" 

"Nope." The Biometals responded in sync.

Izuku crawled to a nearby tree, grabbing a broken branch and used it as a cane to support himself. 

"Guess I should head to the facility?" He started walking deeper into the forest. It was peaceful... a bit to peaceful. He then heard something behind him. Emerging out from the trees were two giant snake-like Mechaniloids  made of several large parts combined. Its body is covered in special plating that reflects all attacks. Its only weak spot is its head.

"You got to be kidding me?!"

Izuku merged and prepares for battle.

~On Top of the Cliff~

"But wow, Eraserhead, that's some messed up schedule you set for them." Mandalay noted, leaning onto the rail guard with a nonchalance look on her feature.

"Well, we came here to take the training that'd normally start during the first test of the sophomore year. We're just putting ahead of schedule in order to make them take the challenge earlier on. So there's bound to be a little pushing things too far. The restricted scope licenses to use Quirks during times of emergency act as temporary qualification for recognized, lawful hero activity. And now that villains have started resurging, the freshman will be needing ways to defend themselves, too." Aizawa explained, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"So I'll be leaving it to you, Mandalay."

Mandalay gives him a polite smile and nodded. "Yeah. You can count on us." She sigh through her nose as she was about to walk back to the base, but looks back and noticed a small boy stay rooted in one spot, glaring at nothing. "Come on, Kouta. Let's go."

Kouta looks unenthusiastic and muttered. "What a load of crap."

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