Chapter 23: Your Song

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UA students arrived at the camp, exhausted and covered in dirt from using their Quirks. Sweating and a over heated mess.

"Oh your finally here!" Pixiebob said like she didn't almost kill everyone. "For starters, looks like you didn't make it close to lunchtime."

The journey through the forest took around about 8 hours. thus, Class 1-A's arrival was at 5:20 pm in the evening.

"Were you joking when you say its take 'two hours'...?" Sero groaned, holding onto his aching arm.

Kirishima panted heavily, wiping away the layer of sweat from his skin. "I'm so hungry... Gonna die..." He whined.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Mandalay smiles at them apologetically. "For us, two hours is normal."

"Was it all just to brag about how above our level they are..." Sato grumbled under his breath.

Pixiebob place her hands behind her head, grinning bashfully. "Oh stop, you're flattering me. Though to tell the truth, I thought it'd take you all more time. The earth devils got blitzed more easily than I excepted. You were quite interesting. Especially..." Her gaze landed on three. "You three... Could it be that the lack of hesitation comes from experience?"

The three didn't response, but they could sense how powerful they are. They're not just for show, these people are dangerous. Pixiebob grinned, slinging her arms over Shouto and Katsuki's shoulders, the latter is annoyed and he tries to get away, but Pixiebob only tighten her grip on him. "I'm looking forward to all of you!"

"Mandalay..." Aizawa points his finger at the blonde-haired female and asked. "Was she always like that?"

"She's in a huge hurry; she's getting to that age, you know." Mandalay replied bluntly. "By the way where's the kid?"

"He's currently resting inside. He took a real beating." Aizawa replied.

~Earlier- Beast Forest~

Izuku merged and came face to face with the snake Mechaniloids.

The first snake was down, but the second still remained

The first snake was down, but the second still remained

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It swings its massive tail, swatting Izuku to a tree. Izuku struggles to get back up as his leg was still broken.

The snake spat out fireballs at his direction, but only burned down the trees as Izuku rolled out of the way. Izuku then switches to 'Model FX' and unleashed a powerful Knuckle Buster which destroyed the Maverick completely.

Izuku demerges right after, panting heavily as he was injured badly. Slightly bleeding from his side, covered in cuts and bruises, as well as having several bones broken. 

"Well... That hurt like hell." He said. Could've called for help, but his communicator was broken from the fall. His vision became blurry as he soon pasted out from exhaustion.

~Now- Training Camp Facility~

"It's been on my mind for a while..." The blue-haired boy slides his eyes to Kouta, who has been glaring at them for a while. "Is this kid someone's son?"

"Oh, no..." Mandalay smiles, waving her paws. "This boy here is my nephew. Kouta, go say hello."

Denki bravely approaches the boy despite the hostile glare he received. He introduced himself to Kouta. "Hi, the name's Denki Kaminari, from U.A. High's Hero Department! Nice to meet y-" Kouta's eyes sharpened as he suddenly punched Denki in the crotch and begins to walk away.

Tenya immediately goes to check on Denki, who grabbed his throbbing parts, kneeling on the ground. Then he admonished Kouta for his actions. "Damn you! Why did you punch him in the crotch?!"

"I've got no intention with some dumb gang of hero wannabes." Kouta harshly replied before storming off into the cabin.

"Wannabe?! How old are you?!" Everyone thought.

"Little brat." Katsuki merely scoffed, but he is amused and satisfied by another wailing in agony.

"Don't see any resemblance?" Shoto inquired, staring at the ash blonde boy with a blank look.

Katsuki immediately snapped his head to the bicolored-haired boy and snarled. "The fuck?! What resemblance?! Also, you fuck, don't you open your goddamn mouth!"

"Sorry." Shoto apologizes sarcastically.

"Pipe down with the comedy act and go take your stuff out of the bus." Aizawa instructed before pointing his thumb at the entrance of the cabin. "Once you've brought your bags to your rooms, dinner's waiting for you in the mess hall. After that you can hit the baths, then its lights out. The true start of camp will be tomorrow and be quick about it."

After fetching their luggage and putting it in their rooms, Class 1-A head to the mess hall and had dinner. Everyone enjoyed the meal that Mandalay and Pixiebob provide them.

Izuku woke up from his injuries and headed out. He got some fresh air, borrowing a guitar that he found in the medical bay. He went to the mountain side near the camp. Peaceful and quiet with the sound of the wind and critters of the night. He took a deep breath then picked up the guitar.

  Mou mayowanaiyo daijobu dayo
Itsudemo soba ni iru kara sa
Saa namida wo fuki egao de iteyo
Yasashii kotoba sagashite itanda  

  Hora mou sugu yowakeda
Tatoeba anata ga
Kanashimi no fuji ni ite
Hitori ni omoetara
Douka boku no koto wa wasurete
Atarashi michi aruite yukeba iiyo  

Uta utai wa kyou mo utau yo
Anata wo omotte

After playing, he looked up to the night sky. Stars glimmering and the moon shine so brightly. Tomorrow the real training begins and the next to become stronger.

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